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  • Record expenses using my petty cash


If you're inside the Billing Module you can access Expenses from the Purchases section. 

So to add a new Expense simply go to Purchases→ Expenses→ Add Expense

You can add expenses anytime from the Create button in the main menu as well.

To create a new expense from your petty cash, fill out the mandatory fields,

  • Expense Category: the category of the expenses
  • Payment Method: how this expense is paid
  • Paid Through: the account you use for payment, here you can add your Petty Cash Account
  • Amount: the amount paid
  • Paid On: the date of the payment.

To know more about how to create Petty Cash Accounts for team members. Click here.

To know more about managing expenses, click here.

For more information about LEXZUR, kindly reach out to us at

Thank you!

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