- Insert a Contact in the data base
- Correct/Revise/Update data related to an existing Contact
- Capture and manage a contact’s details
- Contacts Module
Additional Information
The Contacts Module also allows you to
- Add a new Contact
- Edit a Contact
- Set Categories/Sub-Categories to your Contacts to search more easily
- Link a Contact to a Contact
- Create Folders and Documents
- Export all the Matters Related to a Contact
In this document (video) we will cover the Contacts Database - how to capture important contact information and documents, how to relate specific matters to a contact, and how to relate contacts to each other. This will assist in the conflict-of-interest check.
In App4Legal you can easily manage your Contacts. First you have to add Contacts to your database. You do that through the quick add button located in the main menu or from the Contacts module by clicking on the + button at top right side of the screen.
There are 3 required fields:
- First Name
- Last Name
- Category
The Category field is used to define the relationship between the contact and the law firm/Legal department. A standard list of values is offered including Client, Opponent, Partner and so on.
Other fields are optional; however, you can fill out these fields to make it easier to generate reports at a later stage. Optional fields include Sub-Category, Company / Group, Job Title, Email, Address information and so on.
Once you’ve added your Contact, you can now manage all related information.
You can start by using the advanced filters that will help you search for contacts based on criteria of your selection. For example, you can search for contacts that fall in the client category
You can click on the Contact’s name or Contacts ID, to open their page and edit or capture more information.
You can capture general information, change the privacy of this contact, relate documents, and much more.
You can also create and manage the Folder structure and Upload Documents through the related documents Tab. The App4legal Document Editor (software that you can install on your machine to easily edit your documents) is an efficient tool to help you manage different document versions related to a specific contact.
Last but not least, you can link a contact to an existing Contact, Matter or contract in App4legal. For example, you can export related matters to this contact using the export button in the Related Matters Tab. You can even manage reminders related to a specific contact through the Related Reminders Tab.
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