Comprehensive Legal Management Software with Workflow & Task Automation
Everything Legal teams need to manage cases, clients, matters, tasks, documents and much more.

Case & Matter Management
Manage all Corporate Matters or Litigation Cases at every stage in a smart and agile central software workspace, where users can collaborate with internal and external stakeholders, keep track of legal deadlines and automate reminders sent as emails or notifications.
Client Intake (CRM)
Manage all clients in an easy, searchable database using cloud-based client intake, with the ability to link related matters, tasks, expenses, and legal documents to specific companies or contacts; including leads, partners, and all collaborators or concerned parties – whether internal or external.

Task & Workflow Automation
Increase compliance between teams, and design your own workflows that streamline your operations, increase visibility and transparency, and ultimately result in a more productive and efficient unit.
Dashboards & Custom Metrics
Generate reports & KPIs and track custom metrics on single-view dashboards illustrating progress on all fronts including; productivity, finances, and virtually any custom metric users wish to track. Monitor closely and make better tactical and strategic business decisions.

Time Billing & Accounting
Track time and manage all transactions with a powerful billing module that allows users to create time entries, generate highly customizable electronic invoices, process payments, perform bank reconciliation, measure performance, integrate with other accounting apps, and more.
Central Secure Repository
Manage, archive, and link all files and documents to their related cases, matters, contacts, and more using our advanced document management software. Enjoy unlimited data storage, configurable roles or permissions, and a user-friendly, searchable interface.

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