Task and trigger automation in LEXZUR allows you to streamline and automate tasks and reminders when certain events occur such as creating corporate matters, litigation cases or contracts, or setting judgments.
Navigate to the System Settings and choose "Tasks & Triggers Automation" from System Preferences.
The admin can add a trigger, edit, or delete existing ones.
In order to add a trigger, you must first select the type: set judgment, create corporate matter, create litigation case, or create/upload a new contract/document.
- Practice Area: This trigger should be assigned to a practice area
- From Stage: Choose the "From" stage
- To Stage: The "To" stage should be selected
A task or a reminder can be added from the Add Actions.
After selecting the task, you must select the due in (the number of days), assign the task to the user, and specify the task type and title.
After selecting the reminder, you must select the due in( the number of days), the user to remind, the reminder type, and the summary.
A trigger can contain as many actions as you need.