Sayen signature is now available in LEXZUR!
In order to use Sayen as a signature method in Contra, you must follow some steps:
First, get the app. Therefore go to the Apps Marketplace→ Explore more apps. Anchor get app get app
Search for Sayen and Activate it by clicking on the "Get now" button to obtain it for free.
Note |
To use the signature within the system, a valid subscription with Sayen, separate from LEXZUR, is required. |
After successful activation, you can choose Sayen workflow within the signature center of contracts. Anchor sign sign
To initiate the signing process using Sayen, navigate to the signature center of a contract and select the Sayen workflow.
Note |
Make sure to set the selected document as "To Be Signed" from the Attachments tab |
Once completed, click on Close. Subsequent signees will follow a similar process.
Once signed, the contract will be retrieved easily from the contract's attachment tab.
For more information about LEXZUR, kindly reach out to us at help@app4legalhelp@lexzur.com.
Thank you!