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Important highlights from this release

  • External Folder Sharing: Share folders with external users, with tailored VIEW or EDIT access permissions.
  • Document Version Renaming: Users can now rename document versions for better organization in the version history.
  • Document Generator UI Enhancements: Improved layout, updated template selection, and clearer tooltips for a better user experience.
  • Minor Bugs & Minor Improvements

Issue Type

Issue Key



1New FeatureADOCS-272External Folder Sharing FeatureEnables sharing folders with external recipients, who receive an email notification with a direct link to the shared folder. Recipients with VIEW access can view and download folder contents, while those with EDIT access can perform actions like creating folders, uploading, renaming, and deleting documents.
2New FeatureADOCS-294Rename Document Versions Users can now assign unique, editable names to document versions in the version history under a new "Name" column.
3ImprovementADOCS-282Modify Lexzur sign workflow name
4ImprovementADOCS-283Enhanced Document Generator UIThe UI has been improved with a streamlined template selection dropdown, concise tooltip text with an editable template link, updated text fields, clearer error message styling, and a more compact layout for better usability.
5ImprovementADOCS-293Hide Permission access for internal Users
6Bug ADOCS-291Contract id is redirecting to the dashboard
7BugADOCS-281Display Permission Denial Message For Unauthorized Actions in Empty Folder
8BugADOCS-288'Unsupported Extension' when opening a PDF file from OneDrive


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