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  • Quickly manage contracts awaiting your signature


Signees can quickly take actions on contracts awaiting your signature directly from the grid. Preview documents, sign, or reject contracts with just a few clicks. 

  • Navigate to the Contracts Awaiting Signature Page: Contracts & Documents→ Awaiting Signatures

  • Filter by contracts awaiting your signature by selecting "Awaiting My Signatures" from the dropdown list instead of "All."

  • Quick Actions: For each contract requiring action from you, three icons are available: Preview, Sign, and Reject.
    • Preview: Click the preview icon to open the contract document. In preview mode, the sign and reject buttons will be available for easy actions.

    • Sign: If you click sign, the process will proceed based on the selected signature workflow (e.g., Adobe Sign, DocuSign, Lexzur Sign, etc...).

    • Reject: You can directly reject contracts by clicking the reject icon for quick action from this page.

The action will be directly reflected on the contract, whether it is signed or rejected.

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