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  • Cancel or Undo Approvals 


To use the Revoke Approval feature, you must first enable it at the contract level. Follow these steps:

  •  Go to System Settings→ Setup and Configuration.

  • Under Contracts & Documents Default Values, enable the option "Allow Approvers to revoke approval."

Now to use it, open a contract page→ Approval Center

Once an approver has approved a contract, a new icon for Cancel Approval will appear next to the Approve and Reject icons.
Click the Cancel Approval icon and specify the Revoke Date and reason or comments, then click Revoke Approval.

The workflow statuses will be re-initiated, the contract approval will be canceled, and it will return to awaiting your signature and pending the other approvers.

This action will also be logged in the contract history.

For more information about LEXZUR, kindly reach out to us at

Thank you!

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