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  • Send reviews to the legal team from the client portal


Lexzur features a rating system to evaluate the legal department’s service quality.

Client portal users can send their review and rate legal services on any matter/case/ or contract request from the client portal.

To Submit a Review on a request:

1. Open the request you need from the Client Portal. For example, go to the Matters page and click on the request ID you need.

2. On the right side of the page, there is a feedback section where you can rate the service by clicking on the stars.

 You can rate requests on a scale of 1 to 5 and provide additional review in the text box. Then submit your review

 Each Client Portal user can submit one feedback per request, with a 24-hour window to modify it. 

3. Upon submission, an email notification is sent to both the Client Portal user and the legal team. 

The legal team can access the review from the Core application in the requests page.

You can modify your review within 24 hours of submission. Simply edit the text, click on the block icon to remove the current rating stars, and then provide a new rating. After that, update your review.

For more information about LEXZUR, kindly reach out to us at

Thank you!

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