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  • How to Import a group of accounts


The option to import Accounts is now available in the Lexzur billing module. To access it, open the Billing Module from the navigation menu:

Go to Configuration→ Settings

Under Import Data Section click on Accounts

The system will prompt you to download a specific template in the first step. 

This template is an Excel file that you need to fill in with accounts details.

Clicking on the View Template Notes link will provide guidance on how to fill the template and explain what each field represents.

Once completed, click Next. 

Upload the completed Excel file and specify the date when these accounts were added. Also, indicate the account type—whether they will be nested under Opening Balance, Owner’s Equity, or Retained Earnings

The system will add multiple Accounts based on the data you entered, display the number of accounts added successfully, and notify you of any errors encountered during the process along with the reasons for those errors.

For more information about LEXZUR, kindly reach out to us at

Thank you!

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