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  • Separate Corporate Matter and Litigation Cases Widgets


The management dashboard now supports category-specific filtering, allowing users to easily view corporate or litigation data within each widget for enhanced clarity and flexibility.

Access the Management Dashboard:

  • Open the Reports module from the navigation menu.

  • Select Management Dashboard from the dashboards dropdown menu.

Filter Widgets by Category:

The dashboard displays data for both corporate matters and litigation cases.

  • To categorize data, click on the filter icon at the top of a widget.

  • Navigate to the Filter by Category section.

  • Choose whether you want the widget to display data for Corporate Matters, Litigation Cases, or All (both). Then Save.

Create Separate Widgets for Each Category:

You can duplicate widgets to create category-specific versions.

  • Scroll to the bottom of the page and click on Add New Widget to create a new widget.

For instance, the "Matters per Assignee" widget can be duplicated and categorized into:

      • "Corporate Matters per Assignee"
      • "Litigation Cases per Assignee"

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