- Attach files from Lexzur using the outlook connect while composing emails
The Lexzur Connect for Outlook allows you to seamlessly attach files from your Lexzur account to emails you draft in Outlook.
Follow these steps to attach files:
Compose a New Email: Open Outlook and start composing a new email.
Access Lexzur Files
- Click the Lexzur Connect for Outlook button in the Outlook toolbar.
- Select Browse File from the dropdown menu.
- Browse Files: A right-side panel will open, offering two tabs for file selection:
- Docs Tab: This reflects all files stored in Idocs within the Lexzur system.
- Related Docs Tab: This allows you to browse attachments from specific modules such as Matters, Contracts, Companies, or Persons.
For Related Docs, select the module you want (e.g., Matters) and search by name (e.g., a specific matter name).
Once selected, the attachments related to that module will appear in the panel.
Attach Files to Your Email: Choose the files you need by selecting individual files, multiple files, or all files.
Then click Choose, and the selected files will be automatically attached to your draft email.
For more information about LEXZUR, kindly reach out to us at help@lexzur.com.
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