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  • Insert a Person in the database


You can add Persons to LEXZUR through the quick Create button in the main menu of the application or the plus button on the person grid.

There are 3 required fields:

  • First Name
  • Last Name
  • Category. 

Category: The relation between the person and the law firm/Legal department, a standard list of values including Client, Opponent, Partner

Other fields are optional:

Sub-Category: A customizable list of values, to further define the relation with this person ex: Internal Client

Company group: You can add company groups into LEXZUR.

You can add the person's job title and phone number.

If you click on Contact Info,  you can add the website. From Address, you can set the address information. Nationality, foreign first and last name, date of birth, and ID number can be specified from Personal Details.

Then press Save. The new Person will be added to the person grid.

For more information about LEXZUR, kindly reach out to us at

Thank you!

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