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  • Add and Manage Tasks from the Client Portal


Task management capabilities are now available at the Client Portal level. CP users can create tasks for themselves, other CP users, or assign them to core users for handling. These tasks are tracked and managed from the portal like any other request. 

From the Client Portal, there is a tab for tasks where you will find all tasks related to you as a CP user, whether assigned to you, requested by you, or created by you.

You can apply filters by workflow status or any task field by clicking on All Filters, and Export the list to Excel.

To open and work on any task, click on the ID, and you will be directed to the task page where you can edit, update, add comments, attachments, and checklists if needed, and update the workflow.

Task workflow and status change permissions are managed by core users to be visible for you to use.

To add a new task, click from the task grid on "Add New Task" specify the type and title, assign it to a core user (legal or contract team or any other users using the Lexzur main system) or a Client Portal user, and set a due date.

You can also add description and link this task to a matter or contract (only matters and contracts visible and shared with you will appear in the list).

You can also specify the requester of the task, either from CP users or core users.

Once created, the task assignee and creator will receive an email notification and start working accordingly.

CP user assignees will find the task in their list from the Client Portal.

and Core users will find it under their task list in the task module. A green line will be added to the tasks requested from Client Portal users.

For more information about LEXZUR, kindly reach out to us at

Thank you!

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