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Important highlights from this release

  • Product Update: App4Legal Contract Management is now available as a stand-alone product with out of the box support with App4Legal Core
  • New Feature: Advanced Export of Matter Container with fine-grain control on what to export.
  • New Feature: A dynamic and revamped money module that you can configure with data-drill down support.
  • New Feature: Task Board new UI/UX.
  • New Feature: Archive Tasks directly from Kanban.
  • New Feature: Advisor Portal is now available in multiple languages.
  • Enhancement: Invoice Templates now supports more literals for translation.
  • Enhancement: Invoice Grid now supports "Matter Assignee".
  • Enhancement: Expense values can now default per category from the money module settings.
  • Enhancement: When creating a task from a private matter, privacy rules will be inherited into the newly created task.
  • Minor Bugs & Enhancements
Issue TypeIssue keySummaryDescription
New FeatureA4L-6403Advanced Export for Matter Container
New FeatureA4L-6533Archive/Hide Matters in Kanban with Filters
New FeatureA4L-6697Add the invoice grid assignee to export to excel
New FeatureA4L-6525AP translation
New FeatureA4L-6555New UI/UX for Task Board
New FeatureA4L-6581Money Module Dashboard
ImprovementA4L-6445Change default order of grid columns for installations
ImprovementA4L-6566New Window for Customer Support
ImprovementA4L-6500Invoice Template - Invoice reference fieldInvoice Templates are missing an invoice reference field
ImprovementA4L-5052Opponents & Stage Opponents in Hearing and Task pages
ImprovementA4L-6676New API to retrieve the tasks assigned to other users than the logged user Users need the ability to see all tasks, not only those assigned to them.
ImprovementA4L-6686API List companiesAdd (email, phone, & mobile) for companies/list_companies in API
ImprovementA4L-6596Enhancements to Time Tracking in Moneyadd a new column to time tracking called "user rate" like the one in the time logs tab in the matter. The value of this column should come directly from the database at the time of saving the log so no need to fetch the value of the selected entity in money. Otherwise, it will be null or a fixed value.

Add the column to advanced search and excel as well.

In addition, we need to add the ability to split a time log + inline editing for editable columns like the behavior in time logs in a matter
ImprovementA4L-6644highlighting cards in the activities tab when closing any popup
ImprovementA4L-6698Pagination links to be shown on the main page without scrolling down
ImprovementA4L-6645Add pagination dropdown to card view in the activities tab
ImprovementA4L-6677Contract improvements
ImprovementA4L-6669Rename Show Summary
ImprovementA4L-6670Tweak on Top Margin in invoice template
ImprovementA4L-6532Manage Clients (CP) - Export to excel support all grid fieldsThe export to excel contains all fields.
ImprovementA4L-6508Report Builder - Hyperlink resultsMake the results of the Report builder as clickable hyperlinks that take you directly to the Matter.
ImprovementA4L-6174IP grid needs to have created by and created onwe need the grid of IP to show those 2 fields.
ImprovementA4L-6505Time logs - export to WordSupport exporting a time log to a Word document
ImprovementA4L-6614Make contract date a mandatory fieldThe contract Date field is used in the dashboard in the contracts received this month widget, so it should be required to show all contracts received this month
ImprovementA4L-6513Enhance the design of add and edit of contract templates
ImprovementA4L-6699Enhancements to contract questionnaire
ImprovementA4L-6565Change Document Generator in Contract
ImprovementA4L-6396Separate invoice title per invoice template.
ImprovementA4L-6498Expense Category - default amountExpense Categories to support having a default amount field as invoice items do
ImprovementA4L-6469Money Settings - Delete options for unused itemsAllow a user to delete the following if no previous transaction relating to them exists:
# Expense Categories
# Invoice Items
ImprovementA4L-6468Task PrivacyWhen creating a Task from a private matter, the task should be private by default and we set the shared with the same as the matter.
ImprovementA4L-6659Contract Questionnaire Phase 2Added support for drop-downs and radio buttons
ImprovementA4L-6651Advisor email notifications revamp
ImprovementA4L-6477Invoice language options - support internal reference number
ImprovementA4L-6504Arabic label changes
ImprovementA4L-6730Display message for Azure Ad user when accessing the main login screen
ImprovementA4L-6648AP- force change password
ImprovementA4L-6673AP multi-files input enhancements
ImprovementA4L-6650Share/hide documents with Advisors
ImprovementA4L-6649AP minor bugs and enhancements
ImprovementA4L-6672AP support attachments in the notes form
ImprovementA4L-6693AP delete hearing
ImprovementA4L-6700AP small improvements and fixes
ImprovementA4L-6492Contract module as a product
ImprovementA4L-6709Invoice description-Add column: CurrencyIn the Invoice: Items, time logs, and expenses tables add currency next to an amount, for example Amount (USD)
ImprovementA4L-6708Invoice PagesOn the first page only invoice description and bank details
On the second page only invoice items(Expenses, Time logs, and Items)
ImprovementA4L-6712Invoice Notes/Footer
ImprovementA4L-6665Outsource form revamp
ImprovementA4L-6559Contract Improvements
BugA4L-6296fix labels of time logs grid in Arabic
BugA4L-6203Not able to delete the expense
BugA4L-5797bug in task comments
BugA4L-6314Matters - Cap Widget

BugA4L-6284Supplier Bug - VAT Number
BugA4L-6291Practice Area Deleted Records
BugA4L-6526Unable to edit Billable logs
BugA4L-5991Arabic Correction in Board configurations
BugA4L-6415Hijri Calendar - Wrong Days Arrangement
BugA4L-6369Matters - Related Time logs
BugA4L-6681A4G check license API is now working
BugA4L-6419Matters Latest Development Timestamp Display on the Grids
BugA4L-5618Deleted Practice Area still showing for Matter Containers
BugA4L-6632The latest Development is not displayed correctly in word document
BugA4L-6074Sorting of fields in export do not match the ones selected by the user in the report builder
BugA4L-6332Email Notifications - Php Mailer
BugA4L-5443Copy-pasting number with thousand separator
BugA4L-6701broken design notification message cp
BugA4L-6425Invoices Template - Description boxes
BugA4L-6622Contracts Workflows - Add workflow status - statuses still showing
BugA4L-6689Bug when contract template contains signature variable
BugA4L-6320Workflows - Add workflow status - statuses still showing
BugA4L-6523Fix Hearing Date in Advanced Search
BugA4L-6310Matter Workflow - Status Delete Page Refresh
BugA4L-6633Workflow Delete Status IE Error
BugA4L-6706bug in edit form
BugA4L-6547Events not deleting
BugA4L-6668Task - Description UI bug
BugA4L-6704Export Litigation case to MS Word
BugA4L-6707Contract Module - Manage Workflows - select task types
BugA4L-6512files added to comments on contract are not downloadable from cp
BugA4L-6721Error in Session on SQLSRV using arabic interface in Hearing Roll Session per Court / Circuit
BugA4L-6716Import Companies Missing Data
BugA4L-6489Hearing Reminders - days prior
BugA4L-6323Tasks Workflows - select task types
BugA4L-6524Matters CP Icon Not working
BugA4L-6625The balance sheet is not balanced due to the wrong amount in Liability Section
BugA4L-6321Workflows - deleting workflow status
BugA4L-6306Wrong Container Status
BugA4L-6725Case Container Edit
BugA4L-6728Events Record Expense / Bulk Expenses redirect with no error message
BugA4L-6723AP minor bugs
BugA4L-6608Advisor Portal - My upcoming hearings is empty
BugA4L-6607Advisor Portal - Users can add a hearing to a Corporate Matter
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