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Important highlights from this release

  • Log time for multiple dates (intervals) in a single form
  • Users can now create Matters or Litigation Cases on behalf of customers to let them view it from the Customer Portal
  • Hearing Roll Session report supports now filtering by multiple assignees
  • Initiated On and Executed On fields are no longer mandatory in shares operations from Company Shareholders
  • Matter Subject is called now Matter Name
  • Last Hearing Date, Judgment Date & Judgment Summary are now available in the Litigation Case grid
  • Import of Litigation Cases supports now a new column to link with Matter Containers
  • Outsource To field supports now adding a Company (i.e. External Law Firm) and not only a Contact (i.e. External Advisor)
  • Bug fixes & Minor Enhancements

Issue TypeSummaryDescription
New FeatureLog time for multiple dates

Logging time for multiple dates (intervals) in a single click

New FeatureNew action to show matter in customer portal

You can now create matters on behalf of your customers and they can view it in the customer portal

Improvementuser management grid should display only active users by default
ImprovementRemove Required Validation in Shares Operations on Company Shareholders
ImprovementReplace Request a demo popup into a link to contact us page
Improvementlabel change: change start timer popup label to comment instead of summary
ImprovementThe share with form should display only active users
Improvement"Assignee(s)" in Advanced Search in Hearing Roll Session to support multiple users

Hearing Roll Session report now supported filtering on multiple assignees

ImprovementChange Matter Subject to Matter Name
ImprovementAPI - "Matter Containers Upload File" to support multiple files
ImprovementAdd new fields to Litigation Cases and Report Builder
Improvementchange the message displayed when case status is changed
ImprovementAbility to choose range of records when exporting data from Hearing Roll Session Report
ImprovementImprovements to Import Litigation Cases and Matter Containers
Improvement"Outsource to Lawyer" to read from Companies and not only from Contacts

Outsource To field now supports adding a company (external law firm) in addition to contacts (external Advisor)

Bugbug in hijri date converterBug Fixed
BugError in Company APIBug Fixed
BugDatabase error in hearing roll session report when searching for a custom field in search filtersBug Fixed
BugCode error in customer portalBug Fixed
Bugwrong position when clicking on notifications or reminders in headerBug Fixed
BugWrong behavior in Customer PortalBug Fixed
Bugbug in customer portal user loginBug Fixed
BugDatabase Error in Matter Value Tiers ReportBug Fixed
BugDatabase error in task roll session on SQL ServerBug Fixed
BugDatabase error in hearing roll session per court on SQL ServerBug Fixed
BugMatter Value Tiers Report is not loadingBug Fixed
BugAdmin page and Boards are not included in permission schemeBug Fixed
BugWrong message when deleting a board memberBug Fixed
BugCode error when searching for a contact in client add form on SQL ServerBug Fixed
Bugfolders doesn't appear in universal searchBug Fixed
BugDB error in report builderBug Fixed
BugCode error when deactivating a userBug Fixed
BugError in Matter board filtersBug Fixed
  • No labels

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