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KeyIssue TypePrioritySummaryDescriptionStatusCreatedUpdated
BMCMS-697New FeatureMediumEnhance the Time Tracking.From Time Tracking you can now  send to Invoice & Introduce Partners remuneration.Merged2014-01-292014-03-21
BMCMS-773ImprovementMediumAdd Related Contacts tab under Company.Related Contacts tab is added under Company.Merged2014-03-192014-03-21
BMCMS-767ImprovementLowEnhance the Clone function on Contact object.Clone function doesn't clone now the following: Email, Mobile, Date Of Birth, Comments and Job Title.Merged2014-03-142014-03-21
BMCMS-762ImprovementMediumEnhance the name of file in Related Documents grids.Add Title for the Name of file uploaded in Related Documents grids which visualise the number of versions of this file.Merged2014-03-132014-03-21
BMCMS-758ImprovementMediumEnhance Customer Feedback.Now when you click on Feedback button it opens the on a new tab where you fill your feedback.Merged2014-03-072014-03-21
BMCMS-756ImprovementMediumImprove the Arabic & French Language.Some words are improved with Arabic and French.Merged2014-03-072014-03-21
BMCMS-755ImprovementMediumEnhance the Design with Arabic.The Design with Arabic is improved now.Merged2014-03-062014-03-21
BMCMS-754ImprovementMediumAdd "Added By" and "Added on" inside the Related URLs grid view."Added By" and "Added on" are added inside the Related URLs grid view.Merged2014-03-062014-03-21
BMCMS-753ImprovementLowAdd Export to Word in the Wheel of action in Case grid.Export to word is added now in the wheel of action in Case grid.Merged2014-03-042014-03-21
BMCMS-752ImprovementMediumFormat the column of Phone number on export to excel.The column of Phone number on export to excel is formated now to be a "text".Merged2014-03-042014-03-21
BMCMS-741ImprovementMediumAdd Time Tracking tab under "Cases".Time Tracking is under Case now, you can Log a Case at any time.Merged2014-02-242014-03-21
BMCMS-770ImprovementMediumEnhance Estimated Effort & Effective Effort in Time Tracking By Case Report to be displayed in hours and minutes.Estimated Effort & Effective Effort in Time Tracking By Case Report are displayed now in hours and minutes.Merged2014-03-142014-03-21
BMCMS-763BugMediumFix the view/edit button in the Payment Made tab.The view/ edit button in the Payment Made tab under Bills is fixed now to actually view and edit the item selected in the Money Module.Merged2014-03-132014-03-21
BMCMS-772BugMediumFix the Invoice Details Report when there's a tax.Invoice Details Report now shows properly the data.Merged2014-03-192014-03-21
BMCMS-771BugMediumFix Favicon display.The Favicon display is proper now.Merged2014-03-182014-03-21
BMCMS-769BugMediumFix Download files in Related Documents on all objects.Download files in Related Documents on all objects is fixed now.Merged2014-03-142014-03-21
BMCMS-768BugMediumFix "Price" field under the Invoice form on IE & Chrome.The "Price" field under the Invoice form on IE & Chrome is fixed now.Merged2014-03-142014-03-21
BMCMS-766BugMediumFix the "Internal Server Error" when Delete File which have Versions with MS-SQL.Delete file with MS-SQL is fixed now.Merged2014-03-142014-03-21
BMCMS-759BugMediumDelete the duplicate "Assignee" field  under Cases Advanced Search.The duplicated "Assignee" field is deleted now.Merged2014-03-112014-03-21
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