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  • App4Legal.v8.14 Release Notes

Important highlights from this release

  • Connect your email to easily send, receive and track emails to and from clients, directly from your invoice, for a better collection process.
  • Admins can now lock time entries made before a specific date – blocking the user’s ability to edit time logs.
  • Contra users are now able to manage their contract milestones, giving users better control over contract lifecycle and execution.
  • Users are now able to add checklists on specific tasks, adding unlimited items to the checklist, and viewing percentage of completion.
  • Configure and automate contract notifications when a contract is signed through DocuSign.
  • In the settings, under practice area, users are now able to select multiple clients when setting due dates for any types of matters.
  • Ability to preview related documents when working on a contract.
  • Optimized UI/UX for Tasks & Triggers Automation to facilitate and streamline the automation of tasks.
  • Configure Settings in multiple languages, with the ability to set your default languages and customize fields as default in a specific language.
  • Automated Notifications have been added whenever specific actions are taken by a user in the Client Portal.
  • When adding or editing an SLA, users can select multiple practice areas per SLA.
  • Configure an SLA to be applied to multiple clients – that way the SLA is activated and matched to any matter related to the selected clients.
  • Minor Bugs & Minor Improvements

Issue TypeIssue KeySummaryDescription
New FeatureA4L-6827Tasks - Add a checklist of tasks

Tasks in App4Legal can include checklists:

  • Each Task can have 1 checklist
  • An unlimited number of items can be added to a checklist
  • A progress bar is displayed to show the percentage of completion

New FeatureA4L-6514Email Account Integration

App4Legal users will have the ability to connect their personal email accounts to log, send, and receive emails within the system.

  • The interface will support Gmail and Office 365
  • When an invoice is created the user will be able to send the invoice to the client to start the process of collection.
  • The contact email address (client email) will be fetched automatically to the email form with the invoice as an attached pdf file with a cover template of the email.
  • At the level of each invoice, we will be able to keep track of the replies. (the communication will be logged in the system)

ImprovementA4L-7962Improve Trigger Form Improve the trigger creation form.
ImprovementA4L-7181SLA - Multiselect on ClientsEnable SLA configuration to allow multi-select on Clients
The user will have the ability to add multiple companies, groups and personal clients, or choose all clients per SLA. Previously, users were only able to choose 1 client per SLA.
Once the SLA is activated, it is matched to any matter related to any of the selected clients.

ImprovementA4L-8001Multi Select options in Report Builder Advanced Search

When using the advanced search in the report builder module, a user can multi-select search criteria (Example: Practice Area, Assigned Team, Workflow Status)

ImprovementA4L-8069contract dropdowns are now sorted by alphabetical order.All dropdown lists added to the system are now sorted by alphabetical order.
ImprovementA4L-7180SLA - Multiselect practice areasEnable an SLA configuration to have multiple practice areas selected
ImprovementA4L-7182Practice Area - Due date - Client multi-select

A user will have the ability to add multiple companies/groups and clients or choose all clients per practice area under each condition for the specified type (company/group or person).

ImprovementA4L-7765User to be notified when an action happens from CP

An App4Legal user will be notified when a client from the CP performs these actions:

  • Add a comment in the contract
  • change status
  • approve/reject
  • negotiate
  • sign

ImprovementA4L-7956New Design for Pages in Settings 

ImprovementA4L-7999Updated hearings grid A column for "Postponed hearing date" was added to the hearings grid.
ImprovementA4L-7927Accounts receivable aging summary to appear in the billing currency.

ImprovementA4L-8022Ability to change the title of the receipt payment.

ImprovementA4L-8052Reminders type to be "Others" for contraThe default type of contra reminders is now under the category "Others".
ImprovementA4L-7967E-Invoicing Activation behavior  The E-invoice activation option will be applied when the entity currency is SAR.
ImprovementA4L-7985Add preview option to related docs in contracts

ImprovementA4L-8011Add SLA contract types to the default workflowAdd the option for the user to choose a contract type when default workflow is chosen.
ImprovementA4L-7902IP Registration numberThe IP registration number will be fetched from the general info page
ImprovementA4L-6990Contract TemplatesImprovements and enhancements on the contract template creation.
ImprovementA4L-7881Milestone payment schedulePayment milestones are now enabled in contracts.
ImprovementA4L-8050Invoice Grid - Entity Currency TotalsWhen having an invoice with a different currency than the entity, the totals in the entity currency is calculated based on the exchange rate at the time the invoice was created and not based on the current exchange rate.
ImprovementA4L-8033Time logs - Lock Editing Time LogAdministrators can lock users' ability to edit time logs before a specified date.
ImprovementA4L-8076Client Portal - Export list of contract requests

BugA4L-8018Invoice an archived matterArchived matters/Litigation cases will not be linked to invoices anymore.
BugA4L-7296When adding a note from the Advisor Portal, the user name is not showing.When adding a note from the advisor portal, the name of the user will appear in the notes under the matter.

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