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  • App4Legal.v6.8 Release Notes

Important highlights from this release

  1. Customize your grid just as you like! You can now view and save the columns and grids to appear like you want them to.
  2. Add a note to yourself through the “description” to your related contacts in the “Companies” module.
  3. A revamp to the events in your litigation matters like you didn’t know! Manage your events through the Administration & Setup by translating the fields at your convenience, predetermining the event types and making it public to the other users only to make things easier for you!

Issue keyIssue TypePrioritySummaryStatusCreatedUpdatedDescription
A4L-3733New FeatureMediumIntroduce the ability to save grid columns along with the saved filtMerged
  • Support the ability of saving grid column with their order along with saved filters:

    • companies
    • contacts
    • matters
    • litigation cases
    • intellectual property
A4L-3828ImprovementMediumAdd description on the relation between contacts and companiesMerged
  • You can now add a note to yourself through the “description” to your related contacts in the “Companies” module.
A4L-3787ImprovementMedium Re-engineering of the Litigation MattersMerged
  • Manage your events through the Administration&Setup by translating the fields at your convenience, predetermining the event types and making it public to the other users.
A4L-3758ImprovementMedium Add the time logs added to a task automatically on a caseMerged
  •  Time logs allocated to a task for a certain user will directly relate to a certain matter
A4L-3854ImprovementMediumDecrease password policy level for cloud usersMerged



  • The following settings in sample data and current clients are now disabled:
      • Logged out period
      • Disallowed Use of Past X Passwords
      • Force Change Password Every [D]
      • Password Lockout
A4L-3796BugMedium Invoice number searchingMerged
  •  You can now search for invoice numbers from your old data related to a certain client
A4L-3776BugMediumImporting Contacts from OutlookMerged
  •  You can now import your contacts straight away from your Outlook account
A4L-3670BugMediumError When Updating user dataMerged
  •  They system will now update and recognize your data in case you choose to change your username and password for example
A4L-3647BugMediumUser Permission not updating in real timeMerged
  •  The system will now automatically update changes to user permissions even when you/other users are logged into their instance
A4L-3527BugMediumFeedback messages appear behind the dimmingMerged
  • Bug resolved as the messages are now clear for the user.
A4L-3722BugMediumDisplay Field name for non-valid fields in Customer Portal screensMerged
  • You can now enter text fields and not only numbers in the field name
A4L-3807BugMediumGrid column order is modified when adding or removing columnMerged
  • The grid of the columns will stay in the same order you chose

  • No labels

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