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  • App4Legal.v5.1.1 Release Notes

KeyIssue TypePrioritySummaryDescriptionStatusCreatedUpdated
LEG-608New FeatureMediumAdd Latest Dev column to Dynamic Report* Latest Dev column is added to Dynamic ReportMerged3/17/2015 15:143/20/2015 18:24
LEG-607New FeatureMediumAdd Description column to Dynamic Report* Description column is added to Dynamic ReportMerged3/17/2015 15:143/20/2015 18:24
LEG-605New FeatureMediumAdd Outsourced Lawyers column to Dynamic Report* Outsourced Lawyers column is added to Dynamic ReportMerged3/17/2015 14:403/20/2015 18:24
LEG-604New FeatureMediumAdd the Court to the list of columns in Dynamic Report* The Court to the list of columnsis added to Dynamic ReportMerged3/17/2015 14:373/20/2015 18:24
LEG-573New FeatureMediumLimit the results shown in BI reports* The results shown in BI reports can now be limited. Merged3/3/2015 15:063/20/2015 18:24
LEG-567New FeatureMediumMaintain the order of columns chosen by the user in Saved Reports in BI* The order of columns chosen by the user is maintained in the Saved Reports. Merged2/27/2015 14:243/20/2015 18:24
LEG-324New FeatureMediumAdd Audit report at Case Level* A new Audit report at the Case Level is added to show the changes that happened to important fields.
* The fields are Case Type, Case Status, Priority, Provider Group, Assignee, Client, Case Value, Arrival Dates, Due Date, Closed on Date 
Merged8/14/2014 16:543/20/2015 18:24
LEG-603ImprovementMediumProvide the ability to track the Ref# of the Expense* The ability to track the Ref# of the Expense is now possible
* The Ref# field is added to the grid and export to excel in the Expenses grid and the Related Expenses in a Case grid. Also, in the Advanced Search of the Expenses grid.
Merged3/16/2015 17:023/20/2015 18:24
LEG-587ImprovementMediumFix the design of the Print of a Case and a Company in Ar* The design of the Print of a Case and a Company in Ar is now fixed.Merged3/11/2015 15:033/20/2015 18:24
LEG-578ImprovementVery LowRename Position to Job Title in Related Contacts to a Company* Position is renamed to Job Title in Related Contacts to a CompanyMerged3/6/2015 8:573/20/2015 18:24
LEG-615BugMediumCase note error on download* There was a Case note error upon download. Now it is fixed.Merged3/20/2015 17:543/20/2015 18:24
LEG-614BugMediumOutlook API fix time zones* The Outlook API time Zone is fixed.Merged3/20/2015 15:183/20/2015 18:24
LEG-613BugMediumOutlook API - task created by not set* Now it is fixed.Merged3/20/2015 14:243/20/2015 18:24
LEG-612BugMediumDynamic Report : bug when sorting new fields * Bug in Descriptio, Latest Development, Outsourced to and Courts. Now it is fixed.Merged3/20/2015 9:423/20/2015 18:24
LEG-611BugMediumDynamic reports Limit results to data type vlidation* Field should only accept integers. Now it is fixed.Merged3/19/2015 18:503/20/2015 18:24
LEG-610BugMediumAdd money to outlook API* Now it is fixed.Merged3/19/2015 11:023/20/2015 18:24
LEG-606BugMediumFix Due date* The Due Date of a Case didn't have the ability to be inserted prior to today's date. Now it is fixed.Merged3/17/2015 15:023/20/2015 18:24
LEG-602BugMediumCase not created from outlook when using MSSQL* Now it is fixed.Merged3/16/2015 11:563/20/2015 18:24
LEG-596BugMediumWrong Due Date when using SLA matrix* Assign a status with null SLA time , then create a Case, due date is wrong (1970). Now it is fixed.Merged3/12/2015 16:563/20/2015 18:24
LEG-595BugMediumInternal Ref shouldn't be renamed in Company & Contact forms* Internal Ref shouldn't be renamed in Company & Contact forms
* Also in the following:
** Advanced search of Contacts / Companies
** Contact "Inline Edit form"
** Bill Payments Made Grid
** Invoice Payment Made Grid
** Litigation Data tab in External/Court Reference Grid
Merged3/12/2015 14:193/20/2015 18:24
LEG-589BugMediumiDocs image preview* If the image extension is upper case , the view page is not displayed. Now it is fixed.Merged3/11/2015 17:103/20/2015 18:24
LEG-576BugMediumDate filters to be applied to Account Receivables/Payables* Date filters to be applied to Account Receivables/Payables in the Balance SheetMerged3/4/2015 16:573/20/2015 18:24
LEG-555BugMediumBI Reports [Jasper Soft issue]: large data is separated into a new line* BI Reports: Using Jasper dynamic reports, When the data in a column is large, it is separated into a new row in the grids and when exporting to "pdf" & "excel". Now it is fixed.Merged2/23/2015 12:273/20/2015 18:24
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