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  • App4Legal.v5.0.1 Release Notes

KeyIssue TypePrioritySummaryDescriptionStatusCreatedUpdated
LEG-299New FeatureMedium

Integrate BI reports



* The Report id added in a new section in the Reports module under the name "Dynamic Report".
* The dynamic list to be added contains: Case ID, Subject, Assignee, Client Position, Reference #, Provider Group, Case Type, Priority, Case Status, Status Comments, Case Stage, Arrival Date, Due Date, Client Name, Opponent, Estimated Effort, Effective Effort, Case Value, Judgement Value, Recovered Value and Archived.
* The fixed filters are: Client Position, Arrival Date,Opponent Nationality,Case Category. 
Merged12/5/2014 16:582/24/2015 16:28
LEG-531New FeatureMediumAdd a new field to Cases called Latest Development* A new field to Cases called Latest Development is added.
* It is a text field found under Description.
Merged2/18/2015 9:132/24/2015 16:28
LEG-527New FeatureMediumAccount Statement to be accessible from the Clients grid* The action wheel of the Client in the Clients grid allows the access to the Account Statement report.Merged2/17/2015 12:522/24/2015 16:28
LEG-525New FeatureMediumImplement Account Payables and Account Receivables* Account Payables and Account Receivables are implemented.
* These 2 accounts to be added to Balance Sheet and Trial Balance reports.
Merged2/16/2015 10:252/24/2015 16:28
LEG-478New FeatureMediumActivate sending emails before the maturity date of a Reminder to users* Sending emails before the maturity date of a Reminder is activatedto users based upon the "Remind me before" field in the System Values.Merged1/26/2015 14:062/24/2015 16:28
LEG-471New FeatureMediumAdd Discount column to the Invoice* A Discount column is added to the Invoice where the user can insert either a percentage discount at the level of the item or a number that will be deducted from the item value.
* The number can be inserted either positive or negative. The system will use the absolute value of it.
* The Discount feature is defaulted in the Settings (enable/disable) and should be configurable at the Invoice edit form.
* It affects the Invoice (Add/Edit), Invoice Details, and Invoice Details Internal.
Merged1/12/2015 10:522/24/2015 16:28
LEG-463New FeatureMediumTax in an Invoice to be optional* In the Money Settings a field is added where the Tax is enabled by Yes/No. It will affect the Invoice, Invoice Details, and Invoice Details Internal.Merged1/5/2015 14:542/24/2015 16:28
LEG-455New FeatureMediumAdd Export to Excel to the grid of Juristic Contacts* The grid of Juristic Contacts can now be exported to Excel.Merged12/17/2014 13:112/24/2015 16:28
LEG-399New FeatureMediumAdd an automatic Hearing for the postponed date* An automatic Hearing is added for the postponed date. Once the user chooses a postponed date and automatic Hearing form should open.Merged9/1/2014 10:272/24/2015 16:28
LEG-398New FeatureMediumAdd a "Clone" button to Task page* A clone button is added to the Task form.Merged8/14/2013 10:592/24/2015 16:28
LEG-377New FeatureMediumAbility to add a Case Container from the Container tab in Case form* A Case Container can now be added from the from the Container tab inside a Case form.Merged9/1/2014 11:022/24/2015 16:28
LEG-370New FeatureMediumLimit the choice of the Case Value Currencies* Case Value Currency options are now limited to be only as the Default Values in the Money Currencies only. For eg. if USD and LBP are chosen in the Money, these are the only currencies that the user can use for the Case Value, Judgement Value and Recovered ValueMerged9/22/2014 12:382/24/2015 16:28
LEG-369New FeatureMediumAdd Opponent Lawyer in Litigation Data* Opponent Lawyer field is added in Litigation Data tab under Judges in the same format as Judges.
* It is also added in the Hearing form.
Merged9/1/2014 10:112/24/2015 16:28
LEG-318New FeatureMediumEnhance the integration with AD* A Connection button is now added to the AD to test the connectivity with the AD server.
* The Look up of users looks up the name also not only email
* The concatenation of the name of the user and the email is now enhanced.
* The Import of Users from AD action is added to the Actions button in the Users grid.
* Add a Delete action to the list of Users to  be imported.
Merged12/5/2014 15:582/24/2015 16:28
LEG-473New FeatureMediumAdd a new column to Auditors table in a Company* Added a new column to Auditors table in a Company called Fees.Merged1/19/2015 16:252/24/2015 16:28
LEG-542ImprovementMediumEnhance the Description of the Time logs in the Invoice if not grouped* The Description of the Time logs in the Invoice is enhanced when not grouped. The description is the concatenation of the Time Type and Comments with a dash in between.Merged2/19/2015 9:502/24/2015 16:28
LEG-530ImprovementMediumRename Provider Group to Received By team* Provider Group in Case form is renamed to Received by teamMerged2/18/2015 9:112/24/2015 16:28
LEG-498ImprovementMediumEnhance the look & feel of Notes under Cases* The look & Feel of Notes is enhanced.Merged2/6/2015 17:512/24/2015 16:28
LEG-495ImprovementMediumAdjust Font in Invoice Details Cover Page* The Font in Invoice Details Cover Page is adjusted.Merged2/3/2015 13:412/24/2015 16:28
LEG-482ImprovementVery LowChange the color of the Cancelled Invoice Status* The color of the Cancelled Invoice Status is changed. Merged1/26/2015 14:162/24/2015 16:28
LEG-479ImprovementVery LowPut Add User in the Actions drop-down list* Add User is now found in the Actions drop-down listMerged1/26/2015 14:082/24/2015 16:28
LEG-475ImprovementMediumDisplay the Payment Due in the Print of Payment* The Payment Due is displayed in the Print of Payment of an Invoice . Merged1/22/2015 16:452/24/2015 16:28
LEG-458ImprovementMediumChange some items in System Preferences to Default Values* Case Value Currency, Shareholder Vote Factor and Shareholder Vote Year are put in Default Values and not in System Preferences.Merged12/22/2014 14:432/24/2015 16:28
LEG-457ImprovementHighEnhance the look & feel of the Case Stage History report* The look & feel of the Case Stage History report is enhanced.Merged12/22/2014 11:102/24/2015 16:28
LEG-456ImprovementMediumLogin Page Branding to include logo* Logo can now be included in the homepage.Merged12/18/2014 12:452/24/2015 16:28
LEG-454ImprovementMediumMake the drop-list of Expense Categories in alphabetical order* The drop-list of Expense Categories are now arranged in alphabetical order in Record Expense page.Merged12/17/2014 13:092/24/2015 16:28
LEG-449ImprovementCriticalFeedback message after AD user import to stay longer* Feedback message after AD user import stays longer.Merged12/17/2014 12:562/24/2015 16:28
LEG-432ImprovementLowEnhance search operators "=" & "!=" to be more user friendly* Changed search operators "=" & "!=" to become more user friendlyMerged9/5/2014 14:332/24/2015 16:28
LEG-420ImprovementLowRename the old Dynamic Case Report* Renamed the old Dynamic Case Report to  Advanced Case Report Merged9/5/2014 17:192/24/2015 16:28
LEG-415ImprovementMediumEnhance the content of the Case Value Tiers* The Content of the Case Value Tiers is enhanced so that the number of Cases is a hyperlink that shows the user the related Cases.Merged9/11/2014 13:022/24/2015 16:28
LEG-410ImprovementVery LowEnhance the view of all Reports when there is no data* Enhanced the view of all Reports when there is no dataMerged9/11/2014 15:132/24/2015 16:28
LEG-402ImprovementVery LowEnhance the name of the excel of the exported grid* My Tasks
* All Tasks
* My Time Tracking
* All Time Tracking
Merged9/11/2014 15:112/24/2015 16:28
LEG-346ImprovementMediumFeedback Message in Arabic Version should be on the left* Feedback Message in Arabic Version now appears on the left.Merged5/13/2014 9:092/24/2015 16:28
LEG-453ImprovementLowRename legal project to legal matter in Default Values* In Default Values of Case Type, the Legal Project is renamed to Legal Matter.Merged12/17/2014 13:042/24/2015 16:28
LEG-366BugMediumResponsive Design: action wheel and check box are overlapping in Cases grid* Action wheel and check box were overlapping in Cases grid. It is now fixed.Merged8/20/2014 8:542/24/2015 16:28
LEG-543BugMediumWrong display of Time Logs in an Invoice if it's less than 1 in SQL Server* There was a wrong display of Time Logs in an Invoice if it's less than 1. It is now fixed.Merged2/19/2015 9:572/24/2015 16:28
LEG-532BugMediumResponsive: Broken tables in Admin & Setup* Company Asset Types
* Reminders
* Court Types/Degree/Region
* Contact Categories
* Task Statuses/Types/Locations
* Time Types
* User Groups
* All Cases tables except Custom Fields and Case Value Tiers
* Case/Task Board
* All Documents
* Provider Group
Merged2/18/2015 11:152/24/2015 16:28
LEG-520BugMediumResponsive: the Notifications list appear outside the border* The Notifications list appear outside the border. It is now fixed.Merged2/12/2015 15:312/24/2015 16:28
LEG-519BugMediumResponsive: Enhance the Date picker in some forms* Reminder form
* Task form
* Event in a Litigation Case
Merged2/12/2015 15:302/24/2015 16:28
LEG-518BugMediumResponsive: in BI, choose from saved reports is outside the border* in BI, choose from saved reports is outside the border. It is now fixed.Merged2/12/2015 15:172/24/2015 16:28
LEG-513BugMediumResponsive Design: Advanced Search in Ar all field names are broken* Advanced Search in Ar all field names are broken. It is now fixed.Merged2/10/2015 17:162/24/2015 16:28
LEG-509BugHighResponsive design: Action wheels and pagination drop-down do not open in Reports* Responsive design: Action wheels and pagination drop-down do not open in Reports. It is now fixed.
** Case Value Tiers
** Case Values Per Clients
** Expenses per Client
Merged2/10/2015 16:192/24/2015 16:28
LEG-505BugMediumResponsive design: Assets in Company grid has an unneeded separator* Assets in Company grid has an unneeded separator. It is now fixed.Merged2/10/2015 13:032/24/2015 16:28
LEG-504BugMediumResponsive Design: Add Board Member doesn't work* Add Board Member on a tablet it is not saved. It is now fixed.Merged2/10/2015 12:442/24/2015 16:28
LEG-503BugMediumResponsive Design: Enhance Shareholders* In the Shareholders tab, the Shares table at the end, there should be a horizontal scroll because the column names are broken. It is now fixed.Merged2/10/2015 12:132/24/2015 16:28
LEG-501BugMediumResponsive design: company container column name is broken* Company container grid: column name is broken. It is now fixed.Merged2/10/2015 11:572/24/2015 16:28
LEG-500BugMediumAdd Company Lawyer on the fly it doesn't save it* Add Company Lawyer on the fly, the contact is added successfully but the name is not written in company lawyer field. It is now fixed.Merged2/10/2015 11:342/24/2015 16:28
LEG-497BugMediumTrial Balance, Balance Sheet and Account Statement shouldn't start from Fiscal Month* Trial Balance, Balance Sheet and Account Statement shouldn't start from Fiscal Month. They are now fixed.Merged2/6/2015 17:272/24/2015 16:28
LEG-496BugMediumBug in Due Date of a Bill, Invoice and cases* The system doesn't allow you to assign the Due Date to be earlier than the system date. It is now fixed.Merged2/4/2015 9:202/24/2015 16:28
LEG-494BugMediumRelated Time logs do not appear when Client name contains " ' "* Related Time logs do not appear when Client name contains single quotation. It is now fixed.Merged1/30/2015 9:592/24/2015 16:28
LEG-493BugMediumTax Percentage to be inherited when adding a new Invoice* Tax Percentage in Invoice Add Form should be inherited from Item default Tax. It is now fixed.Merged1/30/2015 9:182/24/2015 16:28
LEG-492BugMediumTax List in Invoice Item Form should display the Taxes of the Current Entity* Tax List in Invoice Item Form should display the Taxes of the Current Entity. It is now fixed.Merged1/30/2015 9:132/24/2015 16:28
LEG-491BugMediumFix the Height of Company Shares Grid*The Height of Company Shares Grid is now fixed.Merged1/30/2015 8:572/24/2015 16:28
LEG-487BugMediumCover Page Template is not saved when the Address is more than 255 characters* Cover Page Template is not saved when the Address is more than 255 characters. It is now fixed.Merged1/27/2015 9:252/24/2015 16:28
LEG-486BugMediumCan't modify the logo in an Invoice Detail Template* Can't modify the logo in an Invoice Detail Template. It is now fixed.Merged1/26/2015 15:292/24/2015 16:28
LEG-485BugMediumThe legend in Case Value Tiers is giving wrong indications* The legend in Case Value Tiers is giving wrong indications. It is now fixed.Merged1/26/2015 15:132/24/2015 16:28
LEG-484BugMediumCase Value Tiers is broken on Chrome* Case Value Tiers is broken on Chrome. It is now fixed.Merged1/26/2015 15:122/24/2015 16:28
LEG-481BugMediumDB error if the Partner is not looked up from the Invoice form* DB error if the Partner is not looked up from the Invoice form. It is now fixed.Merged1/26/2015 14:142/24/2015 16:28
LEG-480BugCriticalInvoice Details Internal doesn't show more than one Partner on an item* Invoice Details Internal doesn't show more than one Partner on an item. It is now fixed.Merged1/26/2015 14:122/24/2015 16:28
LEG-474BugMediumPrint of payment voucher has extra white space* Print of payment voucher has extra white space. It is now fixed.Merged1/19/2015 16:252/24/2015 16:28
LEG-472BugMediumThe Unit price is displayed as .00* The Unit price is displayed as .00 in the Items in the Money Settings. It is now fixed.Merged1/14/2015 14:532/24/2015 16:28
LEG-470BugMediumCase Value Tiers Paging* Pagination is now fixed.Merged1/12/2015 10:182/24/2015 16:28
LEG-469BugMedium[IE 11]: Add a Case Document, the default Status is not correct* If a Case Document is added, the default Status is not correct. It is now fixed.Merged1/7/2015 13:342/24/2015 16:28
LEG-465BugMediumSystem Currency field to be removed from Setup & Configuration* System Currency field is removed from Setup & Configuration.Merged1/6/2015 13:012/24/2015 16:28
LEG-464BugMediumFix the design of the Advanced Case report* it's broken in Ar & Fr. It is now fixed.Merged1/6/2015 12:532/24/2015 16:28
LEG-460BugHigh"undefined" message when import user from AD already exists in list of users* An "undefined" error message when import user from AD already exists in list of users. It is now fixed.Merged12/24/2014 12:572/24/2015 16:28
LEG-451BugMediumRename activity logs in permission list in time tracking section* Activity logs in permission list in time tracking section is renamed to become Time Tracking.Merged12/17/2014 13:022/24/2015 16:28
LEG-450BugLowRemove company grid view from default values in Admin & Setup* The Company grid view from default values in Admin & Setup is removed.Merged12/17/2014 13:012/24/2015 16:28
LEG-448BugMediumPut Password section under Email in the User form* The Password section is put under Email in the User form. Merged12/17/2014 12:552/24/2015 16:28
LEG-447BugLowRemove Confirm Password in the edit form of AD users* Removed "Confirm Password" in the edit form of users that are imported from AD in the field of the PasswordMerged12/17/2014 12:542/24/2015 16:28
LEG-446BugLowRemove delete from the permissions of a company* Removed the delete from the permissions of a Company because it doesn't exist anymoreMerged12/17/2014 12:532/24/2015 16:28
LEG-441BugMediumAdd contact on the fly in the Requested by* In Case form, go to Requested by field and add a Contact on the fly. Once the new Contact is saved it doesn't appear in the Request by field. It is now fixed.Merged12/15/2014 9:492/24/2015 16:28
LEG-440BugMediumSLA tool tip doesn't work* In the Case Type & SLA, the tooltip (?) doesn't appear. It is now fixed.Merged12/11/2014 10:182/24/2015 16:28
LEG-439BugMediumRemove flag to change password if AD* If the User Directory in the Manage Users grid is from AD, the option "Flag to change password" in the action wheel shouldn't appear. It is now fixed.Merged12/11/2014 10:182/24/2015 16:28
LEG-438BugMediumActive Directory Feedback Message when License is exceeded* When importing Users from AD and the license is exceeded, the feedback message is enhanced.Merged12/11/2014 10:172/24/2015 16:28
LEG-437BugMediumCountry is not saved in edit company Form* Country in the Address of the Company is not saved in edit Form. It is now fixed.Merged12/8/2014 16:042/24/2015 16:28
LEG-436BugMediumRole drop-down in Related Contact/Company is not opening on Mozilla* Role drop-down list in Related Contact/Company is not opening on MozillaMerged12/8/2014 11:482/24/2015 16:28
LEG-365BugLowPress anywhere on the form should not drop down the calendar or list* The drop-down calendar automatically appears if the user presses on the form. It is now fixed.Merged9/5/2014 17:182/24/2015 16:28
LEG-363BugMediumBug when adding double quotes in all Inputs in application.* Add, edit and modify the Subject Input if it contains double quotes is not saved properly. It is now fixed.Merged8/21/2013 16:462/24/2015 16:28
LEG-360BugMediumThe look up of Companies is wrong* It is now fixed.Merged9/12/2014 16:452/24/2015 16:28
LEG-358BugMediumUnnecessary "No Matches Found" message on IE 11* It is now fixed.Merged9/12/2014 16:432/24/2015 16:28
LEG-352BugMediumProblem in Invoice when an expense has a tax* It is now fixed.Merged3/20/2014 11:332/24/2015 16:28
LEG-351BugMedium"Only My Reminders" Filter is not working in Reminders Gris* "Only My Reminders" Filter is not working in Reminders Grid. It is now fixed.Merged9/12/2014 16:282/24/2015 16:28
LEG-338BugHighWrong name of document appears when click to download* It is now fixed.Merged5/6/2014 16:002/24/2015 16:28
LEG-336BugHighNote under Case module generates an error if it contains HTML* It is now fixed.Merged7/19/2013 13:402/24/2015 16:28
LEG-334BugHighExport an invoice, arabic doesn't appear* It is now fixed.Merged2/4/2014 17:352/24/2015 16:28
LEG-308BugMediumBug in Universal Search when the user puts the cursor on it and presses enter* Put the cursor on Universal Search and press Enter, an error message appears. It is now fixed.Merged11/7/2014 16:372/24/2015 16:28
LEG-296BugMediumManage Timer is not working* It is now fixed.Merged12/2/2014 12:232/24/2015 16:28
LEG-286BugMediumResponsive: make the number of Notifications and Reminders be next to the icon.* It is now fixed.Merged11/27/2014 14:382/24/2015 16:28
LEG-219BugLowCannot select any item in all Dialogs in Calendar page on Chrome* It is now fixed.Merged11/19/2014 10:592/24/2015 16:28



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