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  • App4Legal.v4.2.5 Release Notes

KeyIssue TypePrioritySummaryDescriptionStatusCreatedUpdated
BMCMS-944ImprovementMediumEmail field in Edit Profile form not Editable anymoreThe email field in Edit Profile form not Editable anymoreMerged6/18/2014 10:446/19/2014 17:32
BMCMS-943ImprovementMediumRemove User ID field in User Rate Per Hour Advanced SearchThe User ID field in User Rate Per Hour Advanced Search is removed to avoid confusion.Merged6/17/2014 17:196/19/2014 17:32
BMCMS-940ImprovementMediumChange Login Validation Text Messages* Login Validation Text Messages are changed as follows:
** "Email doesn't exist" is replaced by "User credentials are incorrect. The email you entered does not belong to any account."
** "Your email and password are incorrect. Please try again." is replaced by "User credentials are incorrect."
** "The Username field is required." is renamed to "Email is required".

In french:
1- "Email et mot de passe sont incorrects.L'email que vous avez entré n'appartient pas à un compte App4Legal."
2- "Email et mot de passe sont incorrects."
3- "Email est un champs obligatoire"

In arabic:

1-????????? ??????? ??? ?????. ?????? ?????????? ?????? ??? ????? ??? ????.
2-????????? ??????? ??? ?????.
3- ????? ????? ?????? ??????????.
Merged6/17/2014 13:536/19/2014 17:31
BMCMS-937ImprovementMediumAdd "Show Warning Message on Login Page" to System Preferences Values* "Show Warning Message on Login Page" is added to System Preferences Values:
** the warning message should appear in the login page if not empty.
** In French: Visualiser le message de sécurité dans la page de login
** In Arabic: ????? ????? ??????? ?? ???? ???????
Merged6/17/2014 13:316/19/2014 17:31
BMCMS-935ImprovementMediumAdd Export to Excel for List of Users GroupsList of Users Groups can now be exported.Merged6/17/2014 13:266/19/2014 17:31
BMCMS-942BugMediumCreation Date in User Rate Per Hour Advanced Search needs to be Date Filter* Creation Date in User Rate Per Hour Advanced Search is now a Date Filter:
** placeholder date is set.
** date operators is set.
** the filtering on MSSQL is resolved.
Merged6/17/2014 17:126/19/2014 17:32
BMCMS-939BugMediumRemove Change Passwords Action Form Users Grid Actions* Change Passwords Action Form Users Grid Actions is removed:
** Change Password from Manage Users grid now does not ask the admin to fill into the old password.
** if user forget his password, the admin can now revert and change the password for any user without Old Password field.
** Admin can now change password for any user by editing the user form and change his password.
Merged6/17/2014 13:416/19/2014 17:32
BMCMS-938BugMediumUser ID in User Groups List Users and User Rate Per Hour does not equal the ID in the Users GridUser ID in User Groups List Users and User Rate Per Hour are now equal to the IDs in the Users Grid. All IDs are unified now for the same user.Merged6/17/2014 13:356/19/2014 17:31
BMCMS-936BugMediumModified By Field in Advanced Search of Audit Report is not working on MSSQLModified By Field in Advanced Search of Audit Report is now working properly on MSSQL.Merged6/17/2014 13:286/19/2014 17:31
BMCMS-934BugMediumLast Login field in Exported Excel of Users shows "1970-01-01"Last Login field in Exported Excel of Users used to show "1970-01-01" if the last login filed in the grid shows empty value. It is now fixed.Merged6/17/2014 13:256/19/2014 17:32
BMCMS-933BugMediumPermission list for the group System Administrator can not be extracted* Permission list for the group System Administrator can now be extracted:
** Permissions List of System Administrator for Calendar and Money Modules didn't used to appear before. It used to show "No Permission".
Merged6/17/2014 13:186/19/2014 17:32
BMCMS-932BugCriticalRequests Very Slow in Big Data* Requests used to be very slow in Big Data such as:
** Open task edit form.
** Companies Edited Recently Widget in Dashboard Page.
** User rate per hour grid.
** List of Case Boards in Admin & Setup:
** List of Task Boards in Admin & Setup.
** Related Contact tab under Contact
Merged6/16/2014 12:246/19/2014 17:32
BMCMS-930BugMediumValidation of file type of the Attachments in Notes* There is now a validation of the file type of the Attachments in Notes.
* If file is not supported it now generates a feedback message to inform the user.
Merged6/4/2014 14:336/19/2014 17:31
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