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  • App4Legal.v4.2.1 Release Notes

KeyIssue TypePrioritySummaryDescriptionStatusCreatedUpdated
BMCMS-834BugMediumFix the Favicon icon appearance on the top of the page.Favicon now appears correctly in the pages have attachments grids like contact related documents, company related documents, case related documents, iDocs.Merged5/2/2014 17:175/2/2014 20:16
BMCMS-833BugMediumUser password should not be equal to Email AddressA validation is added to the Users Form (Add/Edit/Clone) to disallow the user to add or rename the password to any value that equals the value of the email.Merged5/2/2014 17:115/2/2014 20:16
BMCMS-832BugMediumFix the Banned Field indications in the Users Audit ReportPreviously the User Audit report used to give this wrong indication Old Value = Yes and New Value = No. Now when adding a new user, there will not be an old value.Merged5/2/2014 16:405/2/2014 20:16
BMCMS-829BugMediumAdd validation Error to Provider Group field in Add Case FormA validation is now added to the Add Case form to have the Provider Group field not empty.Merged5/2/2014 13:055/2/2014 20:16
BMCMS-828BugMediumFix Language Labels in Different ObjectsLanguage Labels in Different Objects are now enhanced.Merged5/2/2014 12:245/2/2014 20:16
BMCMS-827BugMediumFix the English of the Access denied messageThe "privileges" word is now fixed to the correct spelling.Merged4/29/2014 10:315/2/2014 20:16
BMCMS-825BugMediumEnhancements when trying to delete a Case Contact RoleThe word "He" is changed to "It" in the Error message that appears when the user tries to delete:
1- A case contact Role.
2-An entry from the Admin & Setup.
3-A contact that is related to a case.

Also, the error message used to appear when the user tries to clone this user that wasn't deleted.
Merged4/28/2014 12:395/2/2014 20:16



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