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  • App4Legal.v3.2.2 Release Notes

KeyIssue TypePrioritySummaryDescriptionStatusCreatedUpdated
BMCMS-667ImprovementMediumAdd Delete action to Invoice Note.Now you can Delete your Invoice Notes.Merged2013-11-272013-11-27
BMCMS-666ImprovementMediumAdd Delete action to Invoice Template.Now you can Delete your Invoice  Templates.Merged2013-11-272013-11-27
BMCMS-665ImprovementMediumImprove the Password message.Replace "Your password was incorrect." by "Your email and password are incorrect. Please try again."Merged2013-11-272013-11-27
BMCMS-657ImprovementHighEnhance Document Management System.Now you can upload your Files or rename your Folders in Arabic language or with a special characters without any problem.Merged2013-11-222013-11-27
BMCMS-663BugMediumTechnical: Fix the Physical Name for the attachment Files online (Unix).Technical: the Physical Name for the attachment Files online (Unix) is fixed now.Merged2013-11-262013-11-27
BMCMS-659BugMediumFix the Invoice Items and the Expense Category to be created by Entity.Invoice Items & Expense Category are created by Entity now.Merged2013-11-252013-11-27
BMCMS-656BugCriticalFix Reports to fetch properly the data.

The following Reports: "Case Per Assignee Per Status" & "Cases Per Assignee Per Due Date"  are fixed now.

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