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  • App4Legal.v2.4 Release Notes

KeyIssue TypePrioritySummaryDescriptionStatusCreated OnUpdated On
BMCMS-323New FeatureMediumAdd private flag to Company.Add private flag to Company in advanced search and forms.Tested2013-06-062013-07-04
BMCMS-324New FeatureLowAdd private flag to Files & Folders.Add private flag to Files & Folders in advanced search and forms.Tested2013-06-062013-07-04
BMCMS-318New FeatureHighProvide Drag & Drop files.On all related documents, the upload file provided now by drag & drop.Tested2013-06-032013-07-04
BMCMS-327New FeatureMediumAllow Users with Override Privacy Flag to access Private Objects.Allow Users with Override Privacy Flag to access Private Objects.Tested2013-06-062013-07-04
BMCMS-326New FeatureMediumAdd a Flag to User Profile to grant access to Override Privacy on Object.Add a Flag to User Profile to grant access to Override Privacy on Object.Tested2013-06-062013-07-04
BMCMS-325New FeatureLowAdd Private Flag to Contacts. Add Private Flag to contacts in advanced search and forms.Tested2013-04-262013-07-04
BMCMS-338ImprovementMediumAdd the Privacy Strategie to the Calendar .Add the Privacy Strategie to the Calendar by disallow the users to (edit, delete and drag) private meetings to other user.Tested2013-06-152013-07-04
BMCMS-336ImprovementMediumUpdate the regular expression of change password filed to contains the special characters.Update the Regular Expression of change password filed to contains the special characters:
! @ # $ % ^ & * ( ) - _ + = \ / ? < > | : ; . " ' [ ] { }
BMCMS-334ImprovementMediumAdd new cases reports.Cases Per Assignee Per Status, Cases Per Assignee Per Due Date, Dynamic Case Report, Cases Per Company Per Assignee, Cases Per Contact Per Assignee, Cases Per Opponent Company Per Assignee, Cases Per Opponent Contact Per Assignee, Cases Per External Lawyer Per Status.Tested2013-06-122013-07-04
BMCMS-333ImprovementMediumEnhance navigation under "Related Documents" of all components & iDocs.This Improvement help the users when they refresh the page, they'll get back to the same location in the files tree.Tested2013-06-102013-07-04
BMCMS-322BugHighCalendar Item reflect now the Item on creation date.Calendar Item reflect now the Item on creation date, not in past neither in futur.Tested2013-06-062013-07-04
BMCMS-345BugMediumFix Company Auditors Form on close & Display Validation Errors on submit.Company Auditors Form is fixed now on close & a Validation Errors has been added.Tested2013-07-032013-07-04
BMCMS-342BugMediumContact /Opponents Contact in advanced search for Case & Contact are fixed now.Contact /Opponents Contact in advanced search for Case & Contact are fixed now.Tested2013-06-212013-07-04
BMCMS-335BugMediumThe design  of Case Notes is fixed now in Italic font style.The design  of Case Notes is fixed now in Italic font style.Tested2013-06-122013-07-04
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