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Important highlights from this release

  • For better tracking, litigation cases now support multiple opponent position
  • Never miss an SLA with the new email notification
  • Get a 360 view on your client accounts with the new General Account Statement Report
  • The Matter Container now supports comments and a new field "Closed On"
  • App4Legal Customer Portal now supports creation of litigation cases
  • Hearing table has been reordered in the Activities Tab and Matter container for better visibility
  • Client grid now displays the Tax Number
  • License & Waivers in the company module now has an additional field "Reference Number" for tracking purposes
  • Hearing Roll Session report has been enhanced to be more user friendly
  • Bug fixes & minor enhancements

Issue TypeSummaryDescription
New FeatureEmail notification on SLAsWhen and SLA time is breached, an email will be sent to the configured addresses
New FeatureGeneral Account StatementA new report that consolidates all the client accounts with the ability to filter on date ranges and convert between currencies
New FeatureMultiple Opponent PositionsThe Litigation Case now supports adding multiple opponent positions
New FeatureMatter Container New FieldsThe Matter Container module now supports comments and close on fields
New FeatureCreate Litigation Cases From Customer PortalThe Customer Portal can be configured to add Litigation Cases
ImprovementHearing Table Reorder

The Hearing table has been reordered in the Matter Container and Litigation Case Activity Tab for better visibility

ImprovementTax Number in Client GridThe client grid now shows the tax number
ImprovementNew Field in License & WaiversThe License & Waivers, in the company module, now supports a new field Reference Number
ImprovementHearing Roll SessionThe report has been enhanced for better readability & user friendliness

Statement of Expenses report in money module not working

Bug Fixed

Error when double clicking on "Save as"

Bug Fixed

Bug check custom fields used on delete

Bug Fixed

Wrong notification message

Bug Fixed

Delete hearing reminders when deleting a hearing

Bug Fixed

Error in change matter stage

Bug Fixed

Bug in custom field form

Bug Fixed

Bug in move all folders

Bug Fixed

Reminder not appear in the event

Bug Fixed

API - client name bug in add and edit of matter

Bug Fixed

Transition data returned for matter, it includes the current matter status

Bug Fixed

Hearing Date is missing in word document

Bug Fixed

API - The load edit data API of hearing and task return wrong value for the matter stage

Bug Fixed

Api - In matter or litigation case the client name field can't be removed

Bug Fixed

Error in download document Api

Bug Fixed

Bug in conflict of interest report

Bug Fixed
BugCalendar not opening in invoice on MacBug Fixed

No results when searching for one letter in large database

Bug Fixed
BugBug in Quantity when viewing a billBug Fixed

Incorrect behavior on SQL Server

Bug Fixed
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