Add Contract Request Type Categories
Edit/Delete/Move Categories
Contract requests from the Client Portal can be categorized under different groups based on your preferences for organization and customization.
Follow the steps below to add and manage contract request categories.
Go to System Settings, then navigate to the Client Portal section. Under this section, select Contract/Document Request Type Categories.
Adding a New Category
- Click on Add to create a new category.
- Name: Enter a name for your category.
- Description (optional): You can also provide a description or short hint about what this category includes and when to use it. This helps users understand the purpose of the category in the Client Portal.
Once the category is created, you can create different contract request types and link them to this category. This allows the request types to be grouped and displayed under the relevant category in the Client Portal.
Managing Categories
- To edit or delete a category, use the corresponding action buttons in the list of categories.
You cannot delete a category if it is linked to an existing request type. You will need to unlink the request types first.
- Rearranging Categories
If you wish to rearrange or relocate categories, simply click on the category row, hold it, drag it to the desired position, and drop it.
- Rearranging Categories
For more information about LEXZUR, kindly reach out to us at help@lexzur.com.
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