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  • App4Legal.v2.3 Release Notes

KeyIssue TypePrioritySummaryDescriptionStatusCreated OnUpdated On
BMCMS-331New FeatureMediumOptionally, force Users periodically to change password. Disallow use of past passwords.Admins can now force App4Legal Users to change their passwords periodically by setting the variables "Force Change Password Every [D]" & "Disallowed Use of Past X Passwords"Tested2013-06-07 15:542013-06-10 16:48
BMCMS-315New FeatureHighIntegrate time tracking with money module.Now users can log time in money module to send them to invoice.Tested2013-05-29 22:522013-06-10 16:48
BMCMS-330ImprovementMediumAdd Cases Per Assignee Per Status Report.Users can group a case report by drag and drop the head of columns of their choice.Tested2013-06-06 17:452013-06-10 16:48
BMCMS-320ImprovementMediumRe-structure the Related Documents Data Model for Contact, Company, CaseRe-structure the Related Documents Data Model for Contact, Company, Case to be more performant.Tested2013-06-06 8:572013-06-10 16:47
BMCMS-319ImprovementMediumEnhance the ergonomy of the main menuEnhance the ergonomy of the main menu to be more user-friendlyTested2013-06-04 16:232013-06-10 16:48
BMCMS-311ImprovementMediumCompany print page does not allow now access if the Company ID is not provided.If the company ID is not provided, the system will not allow the user to access to the Company grid.Tested2013-05-20 13:432013-06-10 16:48
BMCMS-310ImprovementMediumAdd a validation message to delete task.- On delete Task, alert user if there is any time logs related to the task or any other component that will not allow the deletion.
- Delete Task will be affected to the following object (objects related to task):
* Time Tracking
* Reminders
- the delete action of Task exists in the following pages:
* Task grid
* Case related task
* Calendar
Tested2013-05-20 13:422013-06-10 16:48
BMCMS-309ImprovementMediumEnhance Grid validation rule for "comments" column  in all related URLs components.The Grid validation rule for "comments" column has been enhanced in all related URLs components.
* company related documents -> url's grid edit inline
* contact related documents -> url's grid edit inline
* legal case related documents -> url's grid edit inline
* contact related contacts -> grid inline edit
* legal case related cases-> grid inline edit
Tested2013-05-20 13:402013-06-10 16:47
BMCMS-305ImprovementMediumAdd a confirmation on delete action under Reminders edit form.When users delete a reminder under reminder edit form a confirmation message is now showed.Tested2013-05-20 13:332013-06-10 16:47
BMCMS-302ImprovementMediumStore Calendar user preferences in database.Calendar User Preferences are now tracked in the database.Tested2013-05-17 19:272013-06-10 16:47
BMCMS-298ImprovementMediumActivate the CSRF protection of codeigniter on all forms.All forms are protected now by the CSRF protection of codeigniter to enhance the security of the application.Tested2013-05-16 11:342013-06-10 16:47
BMCMS-297ImprovementMediumEnhance the global security of App4Legal by allow/deny public access. Enhance security controls that allow/deny public access to application folders through URL.Tested2013-05-15 17:422013-06-10 16:47
BMCMS-295ImprovementMediumUse of cookies set HTTP Only attribute to true.Use of cookies set HTTP Only attribute to true.Tested2013-05-15 11:422013-06-10 16:48
BMCMS-293ImprovementMediumEnhance the export to PDF of an InvoiceEnhance the export to PDF of an InvoiceTested2013-05-10 18:562013-06-10 16:48
BMCMS-292ImprovementMediumUniversal Search search now in all attachments and URL's.Universal Search search now in all attachments and URL's.Tested2013-05-10 18:312013-06-10 16:48
BMCMS-291ImprovementHighAdd language as a system variable from both side Server and User.From Server side, a variable called "Default Language" set to English by Default and have 3 values Arabic, English and French.

From User side, a new action under the top right drop down (i.e. where you have the Administration & Setup): "Change Language" in order to allow the user to choose his/her preferable language (to over-ride the system language).
The User Language overrides the Default Server language.
Tested2013-05-10 18:272013-06-10 16:48
BMCMS-288ImprovementMediumTranslate & Sort the Language Files of English to Arabic & French.Translate & Sort the Language Files of English to Arabic & FrenchTested2013-05-07 8:342013-06-10 16:48
BMCMS-287ImprovementMediumAll terms & phrases are now translated / fetched from CI-Lang files.All terms & phrases are now translated / fetched from CI-Lang files.Tested2013-05-06 12:212013-06-10 16:48
BMCMS-283ImprovementLowRegistration Tax Nb receive now characters.Registration Tax Nb receives now characters and numbers.Tested2013-05-03 18:392013-06-10 16:47
BMCMS-321BugMediumUser Group Permissions Management supports now encrypted PHP files.Fix User Group Permissions Management to support encrypted PHP files.Tested2013-06-06 9:202013-06-10 16:47
BMCMS-316BugMediumFix advanced search on modules: case & users.on IE9, when the user select the french language,
the Advanced Search is now fixed for Case and Users.
Tested2013-05-31 12:342013-06-10 16:48
BMCMS-314BugMediumCase Archived Hard Copies set "undifined" text on the notes when no data post.Archived Hard Copies in Case are not set anymore to "undefined" when no data is posted.Tested2013-05-28 13:182013-06-10 16:48
BMCMS-313BugMediumSet only the physical name of the file on the Related Documents and Attachments Files for all modules.Set only the physical name of the file on the Related Documents and Attachments Files for all modules.Tested2013-05-28 12:452013-06-10 16:48
BMCMS-308BugMediumAdvanced Search on "Created On" field has been fixed for all grids.Advanced Search on "Created On" field has been fixed for all grids.Tested2013-05-20 13:392013-06-10 16:47
BMCMS-307BugMediumFix the Create Folder validation message for all modulesFix the Create Folder validation message for all modulesTested2013-05-20 13:362013-06-10 16:47
BMCMS-306BugMediumCompany board members filter is now working when the operator "between" is used.Company board members filter is now working when the operator "between" is used.Tested2013-05-20 13:342013-06-10 16:47
BMCMS-304BugMediumTasks dialog form reloads now the grid.Task dialog form reloads now the appropriate Grid whether at the Tasks Grid page or Case Tasks Grid pageTested2013-05-20 13:322013-06-10 16:47
BMCMS-303BugMediumSome Requests Return a Session Timeout flag other than "login_needed".Allow Ajax login form to submit when user press the "Return" Key.Tested2013-05-20 11:202013-06-10 16:48
BMCMS-301BugMediumDashboard: error generated when moving all widgets on one column.Users can now move wigdets to one column on dashboard even if no data to display in the following widgets:
* Cases by Assignee
* My Recent Tasks
Tested2013-05-17 15:362013-06-10 16:47
BMCMS-300BugMediumDelete contact procedure clear/delete now contacts Attachments & URLs.Delete contact procedure clear/delete now contacts Attachments & URLs.Tested2013-05-17 9:412013-06-10 16:47
BMCMS-299BugMediumDuplicate task on Calendar module.Duplicate task on Calendar module has been fixed.Tested2013-05-16 12:492013-06-10 16:47
BMCMS-296BugMediumAdd note notification is now delivered when note Added By is different than Case Assignee.Add note notification is now delivered when note Added By is different than Case Assignee.Tested2013-05-15 13:332013-06-10 16:47
BMCMS-294BugMediumUsers/Contacts edit page can't opened if ID is not supplied into the URL.Users/Contacts edit page can't opened if ID is not supplied into the URL.Tested2013-05-15 11:382013-06-10 16:48
BMCMS-285BugCriticalNotifications are now sorted by Date Descending.Notifications History is now sorted by Date Descending.Tested2013-05-03 19:272013-06-10 16:48
BMCMS-284BugMediumIcons in Universal Search are not aligned with text.Fix icons in Universal Search to be aligned with text.Tested2013-05-03 18:472013-06-10 16:47
BMCMS-282BugMediumTime Tracking grid is now sorted by "Created On" Date Descending.Time Tracking grid is now sorted by "Created On" Date Descending.Tested2013-05-03 18:362013-06-10 16:47
BMCMS-281BugMediumNotify bug on IE9 is now fixedNotify bug on IE9 is now fixedTested2013-05-03 12:392013-06-10 16:47
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