Key | Issue Type | Priority | Summary | Description | Status | Created On | Updated |
BMCMS-792 | New Feature | Medium | Add Hearings Report in a dedicated Grid | Put "List Hearings" in the grid of the Litigation Cases. | Merged | 4/3/2014 15:52 | 4/25/2014 20:01 |
BMCMS-824 | Improvement | Medium | Enhance the List of Hearings | *Add the Case Subject to the grid before the Comments column. Also in the export to excel. *On the grid view of the hearings, you can now find an "Add Hearing" Button where the user should also insert the Case subject. | Merged | 4/25/2014 16:48 | 4/25/2014 20:00 |
BMCMS-819 | Improvement | Medium | Rename "Documents" to "iDocs" in User Group Permissions | "Documents" is renamed to "iDocs" in User Group Permissions. | Merged | 4/24/2014 16:55 | 4/25/2014 20:01 |
BMCMS-818 | Improvement | Medium | Enhance Arabic language with "Download" and "Upload" | *Enhancet Arabic language with "Download" and "Upload": *Download - ????? *Upload - ????? | Merged | 4/24/2014 13:56 | 4/25/2014 20:01 |
BMCMS-816 | Improvement | Medium | Improve the look & feel for years drop-down list under dashboard (core and money) | The look & feel is now improved for years drop-down list under dashboard (core and money) | Merged | 4/23/2014 18:53 | 4/25/2014 20:01 |
BMCMS-809 | Improvement | Medium | Fix The Exported Case View to Word Document with the Hearings Section | The Exported Case View to Word Document with the Hearings Section is now enhanced by: ** Remove the Keyword "<br />" from the concatenation list columns. ** Enhance the tables that contains a large number for columns, where the header of table was broken and not user-friendly. | Merged | 4/21/2014 12:51 | 4/25/2014 20:00 |
BMCMS-808 | Improvement | Medium | Change the Order for all Tables under Admin & Setup to Alphabetical Order by Name | Order for all Tables under Admin & Setup is now arranged by Alphabetical Order by Name. | Merged | 4/21/2014 12:41 | 4/25/2014 20:00 |
BMCMS-806 | Improvement | Medium | Add External Lawyer to the Hearing Form | *External Lawyers now added to the Hearing Form. *External Lawyer should come from Contacts Database | Merged | 4/17/2014 14:22 | 4/25/2014 20:01 |
BMCMS-805 | Improvement | Medium | Rename Legal Project to Legal Matter | The Case menu is now split 2 sub menus: Ligation Case & Legal Matter. Rename the label "Legal Project" to "Legal Matter" | Merged | 4/17/2014 14:12 | 4/25/2014 20:01 |
BMCMS-802 | Improvement | Medium | Enhance Time Tracking Tab by adding a Filter to Split it to "My time logs" & "All time logs" | Time Tracking Tab is now enhanced by adding a Filter to Split it to "My time logs" & "All time logs". | Merged | 4/15/2014 14:15 | 4/25/2014 20:01 |
BMCMS-801 | Improvement | Medium | Add the Note content to the Email Notification | Note content to the Email Notification is now added. | Merged | 4/14/2014 14:16 | 4/25/2014 20:01 |
BMCMS-799 | Improvement | Medium | Feed Related Contacts / Companies from Requested By and Client Name in Case Form | The Enhancements are:* Feed Related Contacts/Companies from Requested By and Client Name in Case Form: ** in add mode: if requested by != related contact => the requested by should be added in the related contacts. ** in edit mode: if the requested by not in related contacts grid => the requested by should be added to related contacts. ** in add mode: if client name (contact) != related contact => the client name should be added in the related contacts. ** in edit mode: if the client name (contact) not in related contacts grid => the client name should be added to related contacts. ** in add mode: if client name (company) != related companies => the client name should be added in the related companies. ** in edit mode: if the client name (company) not in related companies grid => the client name should be added to related companies. | Merged | 4/14/2014 11:09 | 4/25/2014 20:00 |
BMCMS-798 | Improvement | Medium | Add Related Cases Tab under Contact Object | * Related Cases Tab under Contact Object is now added. *The Cases are chosen only from those that already have this Contact in its Related Contacts | Merged | 4/14/2014 10:23 | 4/25/2014 20:00 |
BMCMS-797 | Improvement | Medium | Enhance Case Edit Form to make it User Friendly | Enhance Case Edit Form to make it User Friendly by: ** Make the name of related contacts, related companies, related contributors, outsourcing to lawyers as hyperlinks to the contact / company form. ** Set "goto" link in the requested by, referred by and client name to navigate to the contact / company form. | Merged | 4/14/2014 10:20 | 4/25/2014 20:00 |
BMCMS-790 | Improvement | Low | Enhance Contacts by adding internal reference | Enhance Contacts by adding internal reference. | Merged | 4/3/2014 13:07 | 4/25/2014 20:01 |
BMCMS-789 | Improvement | Low | Improve advanced search of cases | Add advanced search criterion that filters case containers. | Merged | 4/3/2014 13:05 | 4/25/2014 20:01 |
BMCMS-788 | Improvement | Medium | Add related documents section for expenses, invoices and bills | Related documents section for expenses, invoices and bills is now added. | Merged | 4/2/2014 11:38 | 4/25/2014 20:01 |
BMCMS-786 | Improvement | Medium | Company page - enhancing some labels names | * Notary public is renamed to “Attestation Authority” * A field for a company named “Registration Authority” coming from Juristic Contact is added. * An email address of the company. and add it in the advanced search is now added. * An internal reference for Company (like that of cases). and add it in the advanced search is added. * “Registration Years Number” is replaced with: Durée de la société in French, Company Duration in English and ??? ?????? in Arabic. *Auditors now come from company and/or contacts. | Merged | 4/1/2014 12:10 | 4/25/2014 20:01 |
BMCMS-785 | Improvement | Medium | Company corporate data and labels enhancement | Enhancements in Translations * Translate "Qualifying Shares": ** Actions de Garantie, ???? ?????? * Translate the French correctly: ** Nominal Shares -> Valeur nominale ** Bearer Shares -> Actions au porteur * Rename “Common Shares” to “Total Shares” * Ability to add Commas and decimals in Capital of a Company * Ability to add decimal in the Share transfers | Merged | 4/1/2014 12:08 | 4/25/2014 20:01 |
BMCMS-783 | Improvement | Medium | Create Folder form should be saved when hitting the "Enter" Key from the keyboard. | *Create Folder form is now saved when hitting the "Enter" Key from the keyboard. | Merged | 3/31/2014 16:08 | 4/25/2014 20:01 |
BMCMS-782 | Improvement | Medium | Add "Download Folder" to Attachments Grids | * "Download Folder" is now added to the list of actions of folders. * Notification error previously appeared when the allowed memory size of PHP script exhausted. | Merged | 3/31/2014 16:02 | 4/25/2014 20:01 |
BMCMS-780 | Improvement | Medium | Change in the error message when the sign in email doesn't exist. | The error message is changed from "Email not exist" to "Email doesn't exist". | Merged | 3/31/2014 14:39 | 4/25/2014 20:01 |
BMCMS-778 | Improvement | Medium | Enhance Sample Data to implement the new actions for Permissions Script | Sample Data enhanced to implement the new actions for Permissions Script | Merged | 3/26/2014 11:10 | 4/25/2014 20:00 |
BMCMS-777 | Improvement | Medium | Enhance labels names in User Groups Permissions | Enhancements are: *Rename the label "Documents (iDocs)" to "Documents" in User Groups Permissions under the Case Module. *Rename the label "Documents" to "iDocs" in User Groups Permissions. | Merged | 3/26/2014 10:38 | 4/25/2014 20:00 |
BMCMS-776 | Improvement | Medium | Enhance Calendar Week and Day View by adding the event on all range date | Enhancing Calendar by Week and Day View by adding the event on all range date. | Merged | 3/25/2014 8:18 | 4/25/2014 20:01 |
BMCMS-775 | Improvement | Medium | Add Case ID to the Bill | The option to add the Case is now possible at the level of the Bill. i.e. relate a bill to a certain case as well as in the Advanced Search. | Merged | 3/24/2014 16:02 | 4/25/2014 20:01 |
BMCMS-822 | Bug | Medium | Add new filters for Litigation & Legal Matters separately under "Show filters drop-down list" under "Case Board" page | Add new filters for Litigation & Legal Matters separately under "Show filters drop-down list" under "Case Board" page | Merged | 4/24/2014 20:19 | 4/25/2014 20:00 |
BMCMS-821 | Bug | Medium | Accounts list under "Expense","Invoice Payment" and "Bill Payment" are now sorted by alphabetical order | *Accounts list under "Expense","Invoice Payment" and "Bill Payment" are now sorted by alphabetical order. *Also, the look and feel for Accounts is now enhanced in the drop-down list. | Merged | 4/24/2014 18:24 | 4/25/2014 20:00 |
BMCMS-820 | Bug | Medium | Change the order for "assign to" under "case form" to alphabetical order by name | The order for is now changed to "assign to" under "case form" to alphabetical order by name. | Merged | 4/24/2014 17:19 | 4/25/2014 20:00 |
BMCMS-817 | Bug | Medium | Fix the design problem in top navigation menu on chrome | The design problem is now fixed in top navigation menu on chrome | Merged | 4/24/2014 12:19 | 4/25/2014 20:01 |
BMCMS-814 | Bug | Medium | Fix Relate Case to Case Container on IE9 | The bug that appears when the user relates a case to a Case Container a bug on IE9 is now fixed. | Merged | 4/22/2014 15:44 | 4/25/2014 20:01 |
BMCMS-812 | Bug | Medium | Bug in Users Audit Report | The Users audit report is now fixed. Previously it was showing unrelated information as per the screenshot | Merged | 4/22/2014 13:05 | 4/25/2014 20:01 |
BMCMS-811 | Bug | Medium | Enhance the aliases of Manage Permissions Page | The aliases of Manage Permissions Page is now enhanced. | Merged | 4/21/2014 19:11 | 4/25/2014 20:01 |
BMCMS-810 | Bug | Medium | Fix the Error on IIS when uploading a file more than 30MB | Fix the Error on IIS when uploading a file more than 30MB | Merged | 4/21/2014 16:05 | 4/25/2014 20:01 |
BMCMS-807 | Bug | Medium | Fix the Problem in Edit Hearing Form with Calendar Meetings | * Fix the Problem in Edit Hearing Form with Calendar Meetings: ** when we add a new hearing with no lawyers selected, then edit this hearing and relate lawyers, we should add new task meeting to this hearing with the new changes. | Merged | 4/18/2014 17:41 | 4/25/2014 20:00 |
BMCMS-803 | Bug | Medium | Error in Users Form (Add / Edit / Clone / Profile) when the page has Validation Errors | The Error in the Users Form (Add / Edit / Clone / Profile) when the page has Validation Errors is now fixed. | Merged | 4/16/2014 12:11 | 4/25/2014 20:01 |
BMCMS-796 | Bug | Medium | Fix the Error on the Upload Folder that contains Files on CHROME | *The Error on the Upload Folder that contains Files on CHROME is now fixed. * Previously, when the user uploads folder has files / sub-folders, the error message of folder is shown but the files uploaded, so the user needed to stop uploading the content files of uploaded folder. | Merged | 4/7/2014 15:54 | 4/25/2014 20:01 |
BMCMS-795 | Bug | Medium | fix add new entity | When the user add a new entity the page used to freeze unless the user reloads the page, the new entity created appears. | Merged | 4/7/2014 12:30 | 4/25/2014 20:01 |
BMCMS-791 | Bug | Medium | Email Notification didn't function properly with SMTP physical server. | *Email Notification didn't function properly with SMTP physical server (virtual server). *To troubleshoot this issue, we create SMTP virtual server on infosysta-lbvm1. | Merged | 4/3/2014 13:44 | 4/25/2014 20:01 |
BMCMS-784 | Bug | Medium | Error in the counter of Reminders after login | The counter of Reminders after login was previously faulty. | Merged | 3/31/2014 16:12 | 4/25/2014 20:01 |
BMCMS-779 | Bug | Medium | Could not upload .txt file in all related documents online | The user can now upload .txt file in all related documents online. | Merged | 3/27/2014 13:18 | 4/25/2014 20:00 |