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  • App4Legal.v7.14 Release Notes

Important highlights from this release

  • A new Expense wizard is now available to add your expenses easily in bulk.
  • "Uninvoiced Time Logs" report was added to give you financial insights on un-invoiced time logs.
  • With the new litigation import template, you can now import Litigations cases with their stages and hearings in one click.
  • A new wizard was added to import Matter Containers.
  • Country names are now localized per the chosen language.
  • You can now track the "ID Nb" of contact for better tracking.
  • You can now cancel or reject a quote even if it has been invoiced.
  • The taskboard card now displays the related Matter ID.
  • Label changes.
  • Bug fixes & minor enhancements.

Issue TypeSummaryDescription
New FeatureImport Matter Containers

A new wizard was added to import Matter Containers.

ImprovementRelated Matter in Task View Form to be a hyperlink

Related matter in the task view is now a hyperlink

ImprovementAdd empty and not empty to "outsource to" advanced filterThe Case grid now supports "empty" and "not empty" operators on the "Outsource To" field
ImprovementLabel changes
ImprovementAdd new column to contact called "ID Nb"

You can now track the "ID Nb" of a contact for better tracking.

ImprovementCancel & Reject Quote

You can now cancel or reject a quote even if it has been invoiced.

ImprovementLegal Case Grid Revamp
ImprovementAbility to see the related matter at the level of each task in task boardTask board card now displays the related Matter ID.
ImprovementImprovements to "Import Litigation Cases"With the new litigation import template you can now import Litigations cases with their stages and hearings in one click.
ImprovementRevamp the expenses form

A new Expense wizard is now available to add your expenses easliy in bulk.

ImprovementUninvoiced Time Logs

"Uninvoiced Time Logs" report was added to give you financial insights on uninvoiced time logs.

ImprovementCustom fields db RevampInternal Revamp for better performance
ImprovementCountry List in Multiple Languages

Country names are now localised per the chosen language.

BugDB error when running the cron of deactivating users on MySQLBug Fixed
BugFields overlap when adding a new hearing - Arabic InterfaceBug Fixed
BugInvalid navigation in View all Quotes screenBug Fixed
BugBug in litigation gridBug Fixed
Bugspelling errorsBug Fixed
BugCP matter identifier has wrong positionBug Fixed
BugError in Tax numberBug Fixed
BugError in company edit formBug Fixed
BugError when cloning a contactBug Fixed
BugLack of french translationBug Fixed
Bugerror in export data file nameBug Fixed
BugBug in judgment value vs matter value reportBug Fixed
BugReplace all substr with mb_substrBug Fixed
BugBug when exporting the cover page in invoice internal detailsBug Fixed
BugError in Zoom in page in moneyBug Fixed
  • No labels

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