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Version 1.7.0

  • Support look & feel appearance, the app reflects now the theme set on the system. The user has the choice to select between light, dark, and the system default (new added value reflecting the system look & feel).
  • Support adding a timer directly from the app. The user has the capability to run a timer, pause it, stop it, and log it as a new time entry. NOTE: it is built only for the Outlook app, which means every timer initialized from the Outlook app, wouldn't be shown or controlled outside the Outlook app.
  • Minor bugs and enhancement.

Version 1.5.9

  • Adding new section called (Time Entry) in the Add note page, it allows the user to optionally log a time entry along with creating new matter note.
  • Adding the option to add contact and company on the fly.
  • Enhance old browsers support.
  • Minor bugs fixing and enhancements.

Version 1.5.3

  • Ability to attach documents and files upon composing a new email or replying to an existing one. In case of responding in a thread, the add-on will automatically detect any previous activities on it, and fetch the docs related to the recently logged one without user interaction.
  • Possibility to toggle the text formatting when adding a new note, the supported formats are plain text (unformatted), and HTML (formatted).
  • Fill in intelligently requester and client fields upon matter creation. The add-on will detect the email's sender, check his availability on the system, and fill the corresponding fields accordingly. if the sender is not found on the system, then the add-on will add him as a new contact internally.
  • Smart lookup for related matters in the Email content, the add-on will search for matter or contract symbols in the Email content and fill in automatically the correspondence fields
  • Import Outlook contacts into the App4legal contacts database with just one click.
  • Ability to edit an existing Hearing: set judgment, download attachments, and verify the hearing.
  • Auto-fill recent matter/contract when composing a matter/contract note based on the last activity tracked on the Email.

  • No labels

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