

Capping allows you to set specific limits for efforts at the matter or litigation case level, either by tracking billable hours or expenses. Follow these steps to enable and configure capping for a matter:

1. Access the Capping Settings

2. Enable Capping

Click to enable capping and choose one of the following tracking options:

3. Configure Capping Options

The cap will automatically reset and renew based on the specified frequency.

 If you disable the Allow Exceed Cap, users will be restricted from adding any additional billable time entries or expenses once the cap limit is reached.

4. Set Up Notifications

Example of the Email Notifications:

5. Save and Monitor Capping

Example of Amount Based Capping

Example of Hours Based Capping

For expenses to be tracked and included in the cap amount, they must first be marked as billable and approved in the Billing module. Otherwise, they will not be counted toward the cap limit.