

Start the Timer:

Pause the Timer:



  1. Entry Type: Choose if the entry relates to a matter, task, or contract.
  2. Matter Name: Specify the matter you're working on.
  3. Billable Status: Indicate whether the time is billable, and if so, choose the related client.
  4. Date Log: Select the date for the time entry.
  5. Duration (optional): Adjust the timer duration, the time effort.
  6. Effort Type (optional): Describe what the time was spent on.
  7. Description (optional): Add any additional details.

After filling out the time entry form, you have three options:

View and Manage Logs:

Clicking on the list part of the timer icon displays your in-progress or paused time logs, the total time worked, and options to:

This simplifies time tracking and ensures that all efforts are accurately logged and managed.

For more information about LEXZUR, kindly reach out to us at help@lexzur.com.

Thank you!