- Initiate the signature workflow
- Sign with Lexzur Sign
Lexzur's internal signature feature provides a dedicated workflow that supports multiple signees, offering customization options such as signature names, stamps, designations, and dates.
Initiate the Signature Workflow
- Open the contract page and navigate to the Signature Center.

- In the Signature Center, you’ll find various digital signature workflows. Click "Get Started" under the Lexzur Sign workflow.
- Click "Add Signees" and proceed with signee selection.

Add Signees
- Specify the signee type (e.g., internal users, collaborators, external persons).
- Search for and select the signee's name.
- Define the signature order (parallel or sequential signing).
- Optionally, assign labels or titles to signees.
- Add all required signees to the list.
- Save the workflow as a draft if further approvals are needed, or send it directly to Lexzur Sign for signature configuration.

Configure Signature Fields
- The contract will open in Lexzur Sign, allowing you to position signature fields such as names, signatures, initials, stamps, and dates for each signee.
- You can apply signature fields universally or selectively across different pages.
- Once all settings are configured, click "Send" to dispatch signature requests via email. If a sequential order is set, signees will receive emails accordingly.

Sign a Contract in Lexzur
- Each signee will receive an email notification when it’s their turn to sign.

- They can either:
- Click on the Contract ID to open the Signature Center from the contract page in Lexzur for a detailed review before signing.
- Click the "Sign" button in the email for quick signing.
- From the signature center, click "Sign with Lexzur Sign" to finalize the signature.

- The signee will be prompted to complete all the signature fields configured (e.g., name, stamp, designation, date).

- The process continues until all signees have signed.
Retrieving the Signed Document
- Once completed, the signed contract will be automatically saved as a PDF in the Attachments tab, making it easily accessible.

For more information about LEXZUR, kindly reach out to us at help@lexzur.com.
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