

In LEXZUR, you have many useful predefined Reports that are segregated as per each related module.

Conflict of Interest: 

The conflict of interest report shows all the related matters and companies for each company or person to identify and assess potential conflicts of interest that may arise in the course of representing clients.

All you have to do is to specify whether the contact is a Company or Person and specify its name. Automatically, the system will return a report that shows every company and matter related to this contact and indicates the type of this relation, whether it's an opponent, client, etc.

Matter Value Tiers Report: 

This report distributes all the matters added in the system based on the practice area and according to specific range of matter value (value paid on matter in USD, for example).

Matter Values Per Client Report:

This report allows the user to search for matter values by specifying the arrival date of these matters. The results will distribute the matter values according to each client (company or person).

SLA: Met Vs Breached : 

SLA: Met vs Breached report will show the matters and their SLA with the result of each SLA (met, breached, or in progress). The user should select the workflow and click on search.

Matters Attachment Report:

SLA Report:

 The user should specify the workflow, the status (more than one status can be selected), and the due date. A new SLA report will be created.

Other Reports:

After submitting and saving, a new customized report will be created. 

For more information about LEXZUR, kindly reach out to us at help@lexzur.com.

Thank you!