

In order to generate the matter-related reports, you must first access the Billing Report page:

Open the Billing Module and click on Reports from the Billing Menu

Within the Reports page, choose the report needed under the Matters section:

Judgment Value vs. Matter Value per Client: 

This report shows the accumulated amounts of Matter Values, Total Expenses, Total Judgment, and Total Recovered Values for each client. You can filter by Arrival Date, and from the action wheel on the top right you have the option to show more details, export to Excel, and view the report in a Chart.

Work in Progress: 

The work in progress means all the not invoiced activities such as time entries, expenses, or billable items for which no invoice has been issued or invoiced on a draft invoice.

You can filter by Date, Client Name, Matter, Practice Area, Status, Assignee, and much more. And you can choose the type of activities you want to show in this report such as Time Entries, Expenses, Billable Items, or all of them.

Additionally, you can Group the result by Matters, and export to Excel or PDF from the 3 dots option in the top right.

Time Entries per Month:

This report shows Time Logs per month for all users or for each user alone including the total invoiced and collected with or without tax.

Profitability Assessment:

Invoiced Time Entries:

Displays the time entries that have been invoiced, along with the invoices and their respective details.

For more information about LEXZUR, kindly reach out to us at help@lexzur.com.

Thank you!