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<img class="confluence-embedded-image confluence-thumbnail image-center" width="120" src="https://www.lexzur.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/01/Core-Logo-LexzurArtboard-58.png.webp">
      <h1>Comprehensive Legal Management Software with Workflow & Task Automation
      <h2>Everything Legal teams need to manage cases, clients, matters, tasks, documents and much more.
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      <iframe style="max-width:100%;" width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/tL3v0cQVEBk?si=ErqIVuHm5OMVfLqh" title="YouTube video player" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>

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      <img src="https://documentation.lexzur.com/download/attachments/99818531/Case%20%26%20Matter%20Management.webp?api=v2">
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      <h1 class="blue-text">Case & Matter Management</h1>
      <p>Manage all Corporate Matters or Litigation Cases at every stage in a smart and agile central software workspace, where users can collaborate with internal and external stakeholders, keep track of legal deadlines and automate reminders sent as emails or notifications. </p>
			<li>Manage your Corporate Matters and Centralize all Legal Operations</li>
			<li>Manage your Litigation Cases, Stages, and Hearings</li>
			<li>Collaborate seamlessly with internal requesters and external advisors</li>
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      <h1 class="blue-text">Client Intake (CRM)</h1>
      <p>Manage all clients in an easy, searchable database using cloud-based client intake, with the ability to link related matters, tasks, expenses, and legal documents to specific companies or contacts; including leads, partners, and all collaborators or concerned parties – whether internal or external.</p>
			<li>Manage all your contacts</li>
			<li>Categorize, Filter, and Extract Data</li>
			<li>Facilitate & Speed up Client Intake</li>
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      <img src="https://documentation.lexzur.com/download/attachments/99818531/Client%20Intake%20%28CRM%29.webp?api=v2">
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      <img src="https://documentation.lexzur.com/download/attachments/99818531/Task%20%26%20Workflow%20Automation.webp?api=v2">
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      <h1 class="blue-text">Task & Workflow Automation</h1>
      <p>Increase compliance between teams, and design your own workflows that streamline your operations, increase visibility and transparency, and ultimately result in a more productive and efficient unit.</p>
			<li>Manage and assign tasks</li>
			<li>Configure every aspect of the software to streamline workflows</li>
			<li>Save time, automate repetitive tasks, and increase compliance</li>
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      <h1 class="blue-text">Dashboards & Custom Metrics</h1>
      <p>Generate reports & KPIs and track custom metrics on single-view dashboards illustrating progress on all fronts including; productivity, finances, and virtually any custom metric users wish to track. Monitor closely and make better tactical and strategic business decisions.</p>
			<li>Full visibility of performance and progress via dashboards</li>
			<li>Monitor your team's performance using Kanban boards</li>
			<li>Generate and customize your own reports</li>
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      <img src="https://documentation.lexzur.com/download/attachments/99818531/Dashboards%20%26%20Custom%20Metrics.webp?api=v2">
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      <img src="https://documentation.lexzur.com/download/attachments/99818531/Time%20Billing%20%26%20Accounting.webp?api=v2">
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      <h1 class="blue-text">Time Billing & Accounting</h1>
      <p>Track time and manage all transactions with a powerful billing module that allows users to create time entries, generate highly customizable electronic invoices, process payments, perform bank reconciliation, measure performance, integrate with other accounting apps, and more.</p>
			<li>Invoice Generation, Record Payments, Customize Invoice Templates</li>
			<li>Create & Track Time Logs with an embedded timer; billable & non-billable</li>
			<li>Manage Trust Accounts</li>
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      <h1 class="blue-text">Central Secure Repository</h1>
      <p>Manage, archive, and link all files and documents to their related cases, matters, contacts, and more using our advanced document management software. Enjoy unlimited data storage, configurable roles or permissions, and a user-friendly, searchable interface.</p>
			<li>Store and Manage Digital Archives</li>
			<li>Access, Edit, and Link Documents</li>
			<li>Generate Documents from your own templates</li>
    <div class="right-column single-column">
      <img src="https://documentation.lexzur.com/download/attachments/99818531/Central%20Secure%20Repository.webp?api=v2">