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In order to integrate App4legal calendar with Microsoft Office 365 Calendar, the following configuration must be applied:

  1. Open Azure Portal:
  2. Go to App Registrations
  3. Click on New Registration
  4. Put the friendly name to be shown for end-users when enabling the calendar integration.
  5. in the section "Supported account types", select the option "Accounts in any organizational directory (Any Azure AD directory - Multitenant) and personal Microsoft accounts (e.g. Skype, Xbox)"
  6. Click on Register
  7. In overview tab, click on "Add a certificate or secret" under "Client credentials".
  8. Click on "New client secret" under the section "client secrets".
  9. Add a description and expiry period then click on Add.
  10. Click on the icon "copy to clipboard" next to the value.
  11. Open the file "application\config\integrations.json"
  12. Paste the value in clientSecret under "MS-Office-Calendar-365".
  13. Go to Overview tab in Azure portal and copy the application client id
  14. Paste the client id in clientId under "MS-Office-Calendar-365" in the file "application\config\integrations.json"
  15. Go to Overview tab in Azure portal and click on "Add a redirect URI" under Redirect URIs
  16. Click on "Add a platform"
  17. Click on Web
  18. Enter the Redirect URI of the application like this https://%hostName%/calendar_integrations/oauth (i.e
  19. Enter the same redirect URI in redirectUri in the file "application\config\integrations.json" under "MS-Office-Calendar-365".
  20. Go to Azure Portal and click on "Expose an API".
  21. Click on Add a scope: a screen will be shown to save an application ID URI, click on save and continue.
  22. Add the following scopes as shown below:
    1. openid profile offline_access Calendars.ReadWrite


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