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Dans LEXZUR, les administrateurs peuvent configurer le portail client à partir du système.

Pour ce faire, naviguez vers les Paramètres du système à partir de l'icône Paramètres en haut à droite du menu principal, puis faites défiler jusqu'à la section Portail client où vous pouvez gérer tous les paramètres connexes.

  • Gérer les clients :

Les clients sont des utilisateurs du portail client, des demandeurs ou des collaborateurs qui sont autorisés à communiquer avec l'équipe juridique par l'intermédiaire du portail..

Pour en savoir plus sur l'ajout et la gestion des utilisateurs du portail client, cliquez

  • Configurer les rôles:

LEXZUR vous permet de configurer les rôles des utilisateurs en fonction de la hiérarchie de l'entreprise, ce qui vous permet de spécifier le responsable de chaque utilisateur.

Ce guide explique comment configurer les rôles et les utiliser dans le processus d'approbation et de signature.

  • Clients par entreprises :

A partir de cette page, vous pouvez afficher la liste des clients en fonction des entreprises auxquelles ils sont liés en sélectionnant simplement le nom de l'entreprise dans la liste.

  • Request Type Categories:

Add a new category for the requests that will be visible to your clients through the portal. You will later create request types that fit into one of these categories.

Accordingly, the client portal's home page will be divided between each category and its corresponding requests.

  • Request Type: 

Request Types are the predefined forms set by the legal team to allow their clients to request matters or cases from the portal.

The process is as simple as creating an online form. Start by adding a new one using the "Add Request Type" hyperlink.

The Request Type form has many important fields:

  • Name: Name of the Request Type, for example, "Legal Request".
  • Request Type Category: This is the category associated with this request type.
  • Applicable on: Specify if this request type is applicable to Corporate Matters or Litigation Cases.
  • Practice Area: For this particular category, select the relevant practice area.
  • Description: A short hint that describes the request type and when it should be used to make it easy for users.

The default fields of the Request Type are the mandatory fields in a request. They are by default filled in every Request Type to be designed. The fields are Name, Priority, and Assigned Team. The administrator can set them as visible so that the client can fill them in. 

  • Add Field: select from a pool of fields the needed fields to appear in the Request Type. The Fields that are not mandatory in a request can be ordered in the same way that they are added. They can be set as not Required with no need to add a Default Value for them.
  • Display Name: could be changed as desired.
  • Default Value: it is the preset value that the admin should add if a mandatory field is set to be hidden.
  • Description: a short hint under the field to indicate the descriptive need of it.
  • Actions: to change the field's order and if you want to delete non-mandatory fields.

In the notification section, you can specify the user who will receive a notification once a new request is created.

  • Permissions:

The Permissions page will display all the Transitions in the system.

The admin can grant the needed permissions so that the client can be able to change the Status from within the Client Portal interface.

This strictly depends on the business need of every client.

If there is permission granted to the clients to change a Status of a matter to for example "In Progress" while there are configured SLAs related to this Status, the SLA counters will automatically start the counters. Hence, granting the Client such permissions should be dealt with care.

Check the transition to grant each permission to all Client Portal Users.

  • Contract/Document Request Type Category:

The contract request type categories are managed through the contract/document request type categories under the client portal section. 

Using the Add hyperlink, the administration can add a new Request Type category. You will later create contract request types that fit into one of these categories.

Accordingly, the client portal's home page will be divided between each category and its corresponding requests.

  • Contract/Document Request Type:

Contract/Document Request Types are the predefined forms set by the legal team to allow their clients to request contracts from the client portal.

They are managed through the Contract/Document Request types under the Client Portal settings section.

Using the actions on the left, the admin can edit, delete or hide/un-hide a Request Type from the Portal.

Using the Add Request Type hyperlink the administration can add a new Request Type.

The Request Type form has many important fields:

  • Name: name of the Request Type; for example "Service Agreement".
  • Request type category: This is the category associated with this request type.
  • Type: The contract/Document type.
  • Sub-type: if there is any.
  • Description: A short hint that describes the request type and when it should be used.

  • Default Fields of the Request Type: They are the mandatory fields in a request. They are by default filled in every Request Type to be designed. The fields are Name, Priority, and Assigned Team. The administrator can set them as required so that the client fills them in. Or, as an alternative, one or more of these fields can be set as Not Required and a value by default is preset by the administrator.
  • Add Field: select from a pool of Fields the needed Fields to appear in the Request Types. The Fields that are not mandatory in a request can be ordered in the same way that they are added. They can be set as not Required without adding a Default Value for them.
  • Display Name: It could be changed as desired.
  • Default Value: It is the preset value that the admin should add if a mandatory field is set to be hidden.
  • Description: is a short hint under the field to indicate the descriptive need of it.
  • Actions: to change the field's order and if you want to delete non-mandatory fields.

In the notification section, you can specify the user who will receive a notification once a new contract/document request is created.

  • Contract/Document Permissions:

The Permissions page will display all the Transitions in the system.

The admin can grant the needed Permissions so that the client will be able to change the Status from within the Client Portal interface.

This strictly depends on the business need of every Client.

Si les clients sont autorisés à modifier le statut d'un document/contrat, par exemple en le faisant passer à « En cours », alors que des accords de niveau de service (SLA) ont été configurés pour ce statut, les compteurs SLA démarreront automatiquement. Il convient donc de faire preuve de prudence lorsque l'on accorde au client de telles autorisations.

Si la case Transition est cochée, cela signifie que l'autorisation est accordée à tous les utilisateurs du portail client..

Pour plus d'informations sur LEXZUR, veuillez nous contacter par mail à

Merci de votre attention!

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