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  • Add new Invoices


From the main menu,   click on Billing→ Invoices→ Add Invoice to add a new invoice.

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open the Billing Module

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Then from Sales choose Invoices→ Add Invoices

Image AddedUnder the Invoices sections, you can view the list of invoices, add invoices, and quotes, and access the credit note list as well.

You will be redirected to the Add New Invoice page, where you need to go through some steps.


Additionally, you can search by the Matter Name, Practice Area, Assignee, and Status.

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Import the Time Logs, Expenses, and Bill items related to the matters you selected, then submit and continue.



You have the option to add Tax or Discount at the level of all the imported time logs. 

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  • Items:

In the third step, you will view all imported time logs, expenses, and Bill items, or you can add additional services.

At the level of each added item, you can edit their details, delete lines, or add partner shares.

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Moreover, the action wheel on the top right, allows you to do further modifications such as changing the discount level, therefore, you can perform discounts on the level of each item in the invoice, on the level of the invoice total amount before tax, and on the level of the invoice total amount after-tax. This advanced option will allow more flexibility when invoicing your clients.

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To add a new service you can simply choose from a list of predefined services and you can add a new one on the fly.


Click on the Import Expenses button, it will allow you to import either expenses related to matters or miscellaneous expenses.

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Last but not least, the additional info page is where you must specify some additional invoice details, such as the P.O#, Terms, Date, and Due Date.


Furthermore, you can include payment details and bank account details or any specific details on your invoices via predefined notes.

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  • Invoice Ref: This Reference appears in the Invoice Details exported Excel form.
  • PO#: Purchase Order of the Invoice.
  • Terms: Choose from a set of terms defined within the system or you can add new terms for your invoice from the settings.


Your invoice is now ready:

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You can now preview your invoice using selected templates, view its details, and change its status or the approval status.



You can customize your own Invoice Templates to be used in previewing or exporting invoices. Learn more here.

Whenever you receive payments, you can easily record them. The Payment page allows you to see all payments made on the invoice, with the option to print a receipt.

Learn more about how to settle payments on invoices in this guide

You can also send Invoices automatically from the system by using an embedded Email Engine and track all the related email conversations. Learn more here.
