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  • App4Legal.v7.4 Release Notes

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New Feature
MediumAbility to Delete an InvoiceFixed1/25/2018
Support for Active Directory on Cloud9/13/2018 8:09
Bug404 page when pressing on a matter in matter container8
You can now delete an invoice after creating it.A4L-4119New FeatureMediumAbility to Delete a BillFixed1/25/20185/14/2018You are now able to delete a bill.A4L-4115New FeatureMediumInvoice Template design flexibility Fixed1/24/20185/14/2018You can now customize your invoice template to change the logo, header, footer and more.A4L-4106New FeatureMediumDraft invoice shouldn't book invoice IDFixed1/19/20185/14/2018You can now create a quote before generating it as an invoice.A4L-3857New FeatureHighAPI: Allow filtering data on listing API'sFixed8/28/20175/14/2018

Can be replicated in Google Chrome, Firefox and IE.

*Steps to Reproduce*

 * Go to matter container

 * Link a matter and click on the matter link**

*Actual Results*

404 page

*Expected Results*

open edit matter form


check attached screenshots

BugBug when converting matter to litigation and choosing a matter stage8/9/2018 11:36When choosing a matter stage => the stage is not inserted in the litigation details table.

 It is only inserted in the legal case table, so the user will only see the stage selected in the edit form while the data is not displayed in the litigation details tab.

 And also when adding a hearing or event => the stage is not selected by default.

The solution: remove the case stage from the popup.
BugBug in export related contacts8/2/2018 10:31Environment

Can be replicated in Google Chrome, Firefox and IE.

Steps to Reproduce

Go to Related contacts in a company tab and try to export to excel

 Actual Results

 Php error since the export of the contacts list and the export of the related contacts are calling the same view which causes this error.

Expected Results

To separate the view of the excel and make sure not to impact those issues and




QA_BugCalendar module enhancements7/29/2018 12:56Failed in QA : check attached screenshots
BugLook and feel is overriding the money menu color7/13/2018 11:13Environment

Can be replicated in Google Chrome, Firefox and IE.

*Steps to Reproduce*

Go to money, setup entities and change the color of the entity menu.

 *Actual Results*

The color of the menu will not be changed, it will be overridden by the look and feel menu color.

*Expected Results*

This is a regression from the branding feature, it should show the color depending on the entity.





*Dev Feedback:*

 * Revert the files (menu_0.scss, menu_1.scss, menu_2.scss ,menu_0.css, menu_1.css, menu_2.css )

 * Remove the section for the money menu from the look and feel page. (look_feel views).

 * Add a random number after the productVersion in the html_header_helper.php file. - *this will be handled in the related task in A4LCC project*

 * Remove the money variable from the file main_default.json

 * *for Upgrade:* php scripts(Loop over the themes folders and remove the money variable from the json files also remove the lines from 26 to 61 that are related to the money css then compile the scss files to css files. )

 * *New installations:* Commit the files(json , scss, and css) without the money menu variables.
ImprovementWhats new 7.47/12/2018 14:37
BugBug when deleting a cover template7/11/2018 14:56*Environment*

Can be replicated in Google Chrome, Firefox and IE.

*Steps to Reproduce*

Go to money settings, Invoice details format link, then go to configure cover page and press on the delete icon.

*Actual Results*

Nothing happens, only the page reloads.

*Expected Results*

 Either delete it or no, but with a message (success or error)




New FeatureNew changes to Matter Workflow and SLA Features5/31/2018 10:34* Allow users to add several Workflows for any chosen Matter Category (Matter and Litigation Case) & Area of Practice.

 * An Area of Practice can have one Workflow. One Workflow can belong to one or more Area of Practices for Matters or Litigation cases.

 * By default, for migration purposes, the existing Workflow applies to all Area of Practices and Matter Categories.

 * In Manage Workflows, allow users to add/edit Workflows. Also allow adding on the fly Workflow Status.

 * SLA should be per Workflow. SLA should have the same design (Start Status, Pause Status, Stop Status).

 * Once the user chooses the workflow(s), the Statuses that appear are the ones related only to the Workflow.

 * for migration purposes, the existing SLA applies to the current workflow (for all matter categories & Area of Practices)

 * Matter boards to be based on Workflows

 * more details can be found in attached screenshots

 * Matter logs will be impacted in this change

 * API changes to apply the new design

 * to check integration with related projects (A4L and A4D websites)
New FeatureCalendar module enhancements5/11/2018 15:01* Add Meeting Type field

 * Define if attendees are optional or mandatory in Add and EDIT form 

 * Add Participants (who participated the event) to the event for EDIT form

h3. *Dev feedback and HLD*:

 # in admin & setup page:

 ## Rename "Tasks & Meetings" to "Tasks"

 ## Remove the sub-title "Tasks"

 ## Add new section called "Meetings" under "Tasks"

 ## Put the following links in "Meetings"

 ### Locations (same link that exists in Tasks)

 ### Meeting Types (new object)

 # Add flag to attendees field in meeting form to define if the presence of this attendee is optional or mandatory and reflect this flag to the content of notification by email

 # all calendar invitations that created form the hearings to:

 ## flag creator as mandatory

 ## flag other attendees as optional 

 # update flag when syncing with Google / office 365 

 # add another flag to attendees called "participants" to know who participated the event. this flag can be visible in edit form only to mark the attendee as participant or not

 #  the design of the flags should be similar to the below screenshot that captured from Google Calendar


 ## !image-2018-05-24-10-56-03-691.png!

 ## put icons similar to 

 ### white icon to mark optional

 ### black color to mark mandatory

 ### another icon to mark participant

 ## by default all attendees are required (mandatory) and the user can mark as optional by clicking on the black icon and the system will switch it to white 

 ## when putting the mouse over the user, the system will display another icon to mark participant and once clicked, it will be displayed beside the delete and attendance icons 
A4L-4247ImprovementMediumDisplay Needs Approval Amount for Paid Through AccountFixed4/12/20185/14/2018The paid through field in the expense form to show all expenses with different statuses (approved or not).A4L-4246ImprovementMediumNotification upon recording an expenseFixed4/12/20185/14/2018You can now set notifications in the settings of the money module for certain users to receive notifications when recording and changing the status of an expense.A4L-4244ImprovementMediumEnhance hearing's quick search Fixed4/9/2018 9:555/14/2018 15:53You can now search for a matter in the hearings module in order to check the associated hearings for it.A4L-4240ImprovementMediumDisplay priority value when hovering over priority icon in BoardsFixed4/6/20185/14/2018The priority value of the task/matter will show while hovering over it in the task/matter board.A4L-4228ImprovementMediumImprove the behavior when adding a notification Fixed3/29/20185/14/2018You will now be directed to the page you were at instead of the homepage after recording a notification.A4L-4209ImprovementMediumReplace Template Symbol in Document GeneratorFixed3/15/20185/14/2018You will be able to set the values for your templates in the document generator feature based on the symbol (%) instead of ($).A4L-4203ImprovementMediumReplace cloud image with an upload image in all attachments grids Fixed3/15/20185/14/2018While uploading an attachment, the cloud image is now replaced with an upload image.A4L-4154ImprovementMediumEnhance Archive/Unarchive action in GridsFixed2/14/2018 9:185/14/2018 15:53You can now archive/unarchive by selecting the fields in the grids.A4L-3633ImprovementCriticalBypass dashboard screen and open link after successful login Fixed5/2/2017 10:515/14/2018 15:53When you log in to your instance after your session expires, the system will no longer redirect you to the dashboard but the page you where working on.A4L-4231BugMediumBug when adding a new entity or adding a depositFixed4/2/20185/14/2018Bug fixed.A4L-4214BugHighAdding a new "Licenses & Waivers failsFixed3/22/20185/14/2018Bug fixed.A4L-4199BugMediumSome fields are not loaded from Document Generator templateFixed3/15/20185/14/2018Bug fixed.A4L-4196BugCriticalNo relation between matter and related contacts / companiesFixed3/13/20185/14/2018Bug fixed.A4L-4190BugCriticalNo action when adding a task on getting started + fresh instanceFixed3/9/20185/14/2018Bug fixed.A4L-4177BugCriticalAPI: bug when delete a contact.Fixed2/26/20185/14/2018Bug fixed.A4L-4166BugCriticalSystem showing '?' on some arabic letter Fixed2/19/20185/14/2018Bug fixed.A4L-4131BugMediumBug when exporting contacts to excelFixed1/30/20185/14/2018Bug fixed.A4L-4113BugMediumBug when uploading files with Arabic nameFixed1/24/20185/14/2018Bug fixed.A4L-4082BugMediumCheck the doubled requests when the folder is emptyFixed1/8/20185/14/2018Bug fixed.A4L-4081BugMediumBug when rename the matter note attachmentsFixed1/5/20185/14/2018Bug fixed.A4L-3858BugMediumExclude company Group from dashboard widgetsFixed8/29/20175/14/2018Bug fixed.A4L-3554BugMediumBug in Bearer field in Company Shareholders tabFixed3/31/20175/14/2018Bug fixed.A4L-3431BugMediumUser can access send notification page without authenticationFixed2/24/20175/14/2018Bug fixed.A4L-2976BugMediumDMS - Bugs when renaming folder with the same nameFixed10/18/20165/14/2018Bug fixed.