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  • Access the portal
  • Collaborate on the outsourced matters/cases cases/ contracts
  • Add new items (Tasks-Time logs-Bills-Hearings...)


Legal teams frequently outsource some of their work to External Advisorsexternal advisors.

As a consultant, legal expert, accountant, external lawyer, or financial advisor, you you can easily access and collaborate on matters, litigation cases, and tasks contracts outsourced to you , through LEXZUR the Lexzur Advisor Portal.Once the admin adds a new advisor, he

Access the Portal:

  • First, to use the advisor portal, the admin should add you as an advisor portal user from the system.
  • You will receive an email with the URL of the advisor portal and


  • your login credentials.

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  • Click on the


  • portal link, enter the email and password, then click on login. You will be asked to set a new password once you log in.

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If the Multi-Factor Authentication was enabled, an authentication code will be required to log in. The code will be sent to your email.



You can control and select the widgets you wish to see on this page from the 3 lines on the top right.

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The side menu is where you can access all your corporate matters, litigation cases, hearings, tasks, time logs, and bills, or add new items.

Corporate Matters:

The corporate matters that are outsourced by the legal team could be accessed from the corporate matter section.

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Click on the ID or name of the matter to open its page. You can edit, update the workflow status, add notes, and view the matter details from the General info tab.

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In the following tabs, you can view or add tasks, time logs, bills, and documents related to this matter.

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Litigation Cases:

The same applies to litigation cases. You can also have access to all the litigation cases outsourced to you, view and update the general information, add a new litigation stage, or change the existing one, add hearings, time logs, and tasks, and view the related tasks and documents.

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There is also a separate Hearing page, where you can track all your hearings along with their details, you can also add new hearings, and simply click on the hearing date to edit, postpone, or set judgments.

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The contracts that are outsourced by the legal team could be accessed from the Contracts section.

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Click on the ID or name of the contract to open its page. You can view the contract details, and related documents and add notes if needed.

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Manage your tasks on a separate page, add, edit, change workflow, add notes to the legal team, and so on.

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Time Logs:

You can log time entries that are related to either Matters or Tasks. All you have to do is specify the type, matter/task name, date, and effort. Time logs could also be billable or non-billable.


Billable time logs could be invoiced later on.

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You can also track your time on the portal by starting a timer. You can pause, cancel, or end the timer at any time.

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At the bottom, you have a language option to change the language of the application and from My profile, you can manage your profile and change the password.

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For more information about LEXZUR, kindly reach out to us at
