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  • Amend a contract


To initiate an amendment to the contract, open the contract page by clicking on the contract name or ID within the grid.

  • Modifier un contrat


Pour modifier un contrat, ouvrez la page du contrat en cliquant sur le nom ou l'identifiant du contrat dans la grille.

En haut à droite de la page, cliquez sur les trois points → Créer une modificationFrom the top right of the page, click on the three dotsCreate amendment.

Image Modified

There are some fields to be filled out:

  • Contract Type: choose the contract type
  • Contract Name: Change its name if needed.
  • Contract Date: Choose the date for contract renewal.
  • And Fill out additional details if needed such as Contract Value, Party names, Renewal type, Start and End Dates, Assignee, etc...

You have also the option to decide if you want to deactivate or archive the previous contract and inherit the approval and signature center from the previous one as well.

For more information about LEXZUR, kindly reach out to us at

Thank you!