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  • Choisir la signature numérique
  • Ajouter des signataires (préciser la liste des signataires, le type, l'ordre


  • Choose Digital Signature
  • Add Signees (specify the list of signees, type, order, etc...)
  • Sign the contract
  • Use Lexzur internal signature


After the Approval is done, your contract is now ready to be signed.


Make sure to change the "to be signed" status of the contract document from the Attachments tab to "yes".

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  • Signer le contrat
  • Utiliser la signature interne de Lexzur.


Une fois l'approbation effectuée, votre contrat est prêt à être signé.


Veillez à ce que le statut « à signer » du document contractuel dans l'onglet Pièces jointes soit modifié en « oui ».

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Le centre de signature  peut être configuré en fonction de vos critères commerciaux et de vos types de contrats. Pour en savoir plus, cliquez ici.


The Signature Center can be configured based on your business criteria and contract types. Learn more here. 

However, admins can add signees manually from the Signature Center of each contract.


    • Set the Signature Order by just clicking on the checkbox
    • Choose the Signee Type, defining the category of individuals authorized to sign the contract. This can include Users, Collaborators, User Groups, Roles, Requesters etc...
    • Specify the Label/Summary of each signee.
    • Add Multiple Signees.

Signees can belong to various categories:

1. Users: Licensed users actively using Contra can directly sign within Lexzur.
2. User Groups: This encompasses groups where any member has permission to sign.
3. Collaborators: Stakeholders associated with the contract, having access to it through the client portal for signature.
4. Roles: Roles can be defined based on client portal users, managers, and job titles. Learn how to configure roles here.
5. Person: Any external person saved in the Persons Module.
7. Board Members and Shareholders: This identifies individuals related to board members and shareholders of the parties involved. However, this requires a collaborator license, and signature will be conducted from the client portal.

To use the LEXZUR internal signature, you have to:
