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Ici, vous pouvez autoriser certaines fonctionnalités du portail client telles que :

  • Allow Clients to Add Contacts and Companies through Requests:  Clients requesting a contract will be able to add a new company/person related to the request if no matches are foundLes clients peuvent ajouter des contacts et des entreprises dans le cadre des demandes :  Les clients qui demandent un contrat pourront ajouter une nouvelle entreprise/personne liée à la demande si aucune correspondance n'est trouvée.

  • Allow Attachment Controls: Client Portal users can have controlled access to attachments. Depending on your preferences, restrictions can be imposed to prevent them from uploading, editing, or deleting attachments. However, they retain the privilege of viewing attachments in a read-only mode. This restriction can be applied universally, regardless of the approval status, or solely before contracts are approved. 
