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  • Access the portal
  • Collaborate on the outsourced matters/cases 
  • Add new items (Tasks-Time logs-Bills-Hearings...)


Legal teams frequently outsource some of their work to External Advisors.


The side menu is where you can access all your corporate matters, litigation cases, hearings, tasks, time logs, and bills, or add new items.

Corporate Matters:

The corporate matters that are outsourced by the legal team could be accessed from the corporate matter section.


In the following tabs, you can view or add tasks, time logs, bills, and documents related to this matter.

Litigation Cases:

The same applies to litigation cases. You can also have access to all the litigation cases outsourced to you, view and update the general information, add a new litigation stage, or change the existing one, add hearings, time logs, and tasks, and view the related tasks and documents.


There is also a separate Hearing page, where you can track all your hearings along with their details, you can also add new hearings, and simply click on the hearing date to edit, postpone, or set judgments.


Manage your tasks on a separate page, add, edit, change workflow, add notes to the legal team, and so on.

Time Logs:

You can log time entries that are related to either Matters or Tasks. All you have to do is specify the type, matter/task name, date, and effort. Time logs could also be billable or non-billable.
