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  • Ajouter un nouvel utilisateur 
  • Gréer la liste des utilisateurs (gérer la liste des utilisateurs/désactiver/interdire/passer outre la confidentialité



Users in LEXZUR could be any member that will utilize and collaborate on the system such as the legal team, accountants, administrators, and so on. Each user will have his own credentials so that he can easily log in to the system, but only admins can add, edit, activate, deactivate, and manage everything related to users.



Les utilisateurs de LEXZUR peuvent être n'importe quel membre qui utilisera le système et y collaborera, comme l'équipe juridique, les comptables, les administrateurs, etc. Chaque utilisateur aura ses propres identifiants afin de pouvoir se connecter facilement au système, mais seuls les administrateurs peuvent ajouter, modifier, activer, désactiver et gérer tout ce qui concerne les utilisateurs.

Ajouter un nouvel utilisateur :

À partir de l'icône des paramètres dans le menu de navigation, vous pouvez soit ajouter un nouvel utilisateur, soit naviguer vers la page de gestion des utilisateurs.

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Vous pouvez également ajouter un nouvel utilisateur en cliquant sur le lien hypertexte Ajouter un utilisateur ou en cliquant sur le bouton Actions à droite de la page Gestion des utilisateurs

Lors de l'ajout d'un nouvel utilisateur, vous devez remplir toutes les informations de base :

Indiquez le prénom, le nom et l'adresse électronique de l'utilisateur, et choisissez le groupe d'utilisateurs auquel il appartient (administrateur, comptable, etc.). Choisissez ensuite le niveau d'ancienneté, par exemple associé, consultant ou avocat. Enfin, choisissez le type d'accès pour cet utilisateur. Un utilisateur peut utiliser la solution de base, la solution contractuelle ou les deux


From the settings icon in the navigation menu, you can either add a new user or navigate to the user management page.

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You also add a new user by either clicking on the Add User hyperlink or from the Actions button on the right of the User Management page.

When adding a new user, you are required to fill in all the basic information:

Specify the user’s first name, last name, and email, and choose the user group to which this user belongs such as administrator, accountant, and so on. Then choose the seniority level such as partner, consultant, or lawyer. And choose the access type for this user. A user can use the core solution the contract solution or both

These details are sufficient for creating a new user, however, you can add more details such as the user’s personal information like job title, mobile number, and user’s address, but all these fields are optional.


Once added the user will be notified that he has been added to your Workspace. And he can Join directly from the received link, and log in to the system easily.

Manage Users:

Once the new user is added to the list of Users page, you can view, edit, ban, activate, and deactivate this user at any time, override privacy, and flag to change password which means that the user will be invited to change his password on his next login, revoke the API key and view his permission list.


In case an admin wants to Ban a user from using the system, he can simply do it from the Ban option next to the user's name, choose to ban, and specify the reason.

Replace User by Another:

Moreover, the admin can deactivate a user in case he is no longer an employee or in case the admin wants to replace him with another user.


First, use the Advanced search to look for all users with inactive status within the system. Then, from the list of inactive users choose the one you want to reactivate.

Purchase Additional Licenses:

You can easily purchase additional user licenses as well:
