- Task Title: Give the task a title, or small description.
- Task Type: A list of types that can be customized on the fly, including Research, Meeting the Clients, Attach Docs, and so on.
- Assigned to: The task can be assigned to any App4Legal LEXZUR user, or you can simply assign it to yourself from the "Assign to me" quick button.
- Priority: Specify the task's priority such as low, medium, high, or critical. Priority serves the color coding on Task Boards
- Due Date: The deadline or the specific date by which the task is expected to be completed.
- Notify me before: This allows you to receive a notification or reminder before the task deadline.
- Requested by: The user who initiated this task request, with the default being the currently logged-in user.
For more information about App4LegalLEXZUR, kindly reach out to us at help@app4legal.com.